Today in History:

759 Series I Volume XXVII-I Serial 43 - Gettysburg Campaign Part I


as rapidly as possible, and placed, pursuant to orders from General Hancock, on the extreme left of the line. The corps remained in this position until the following morning, when, by direction of the commanding general, the Second Division was moved to the right of our center, and placed in the woods east of the turnpike, between Rock Creek and the crest of the hill held by our troops under Brigadier-General Wadsworth. The Fifth Corps arrived at 5 a. m. on July 2, and, by direction of the commanding general, was placed in line on the right of the Twelfth Corps. At about 8 a. m. this corps (the Fifth) and the First Division of the Twelfth Corps were moved to the left and across Rock Creek, the First Division taking position on the right of the Second, with its right resting on the creek. (See map annexed.) As soon as the corps was established on its new line, a strong force was detailed for the construction of breastworks and abatis, which subsequently proved of great value, as they enabled us at a critical moment to detach portions of the command to other points of the line. The Fifth Corps was massed between the extreme right and left of the line occupied by the army, and held in readiness to move to the support of any part of the line. About half an hour before the attack on our left, this corps (the Fifth) was moved by order of the commanding general to the support of that part of the line. This attack was made by the enemy in strong force, and with great spirit and determination. Had it been successful, the result would have been terribly disastrous to our army and to the country. The arrival of the Fifth Corps at the point of attack at so critical a moment afforded it an opportunity of doing service for the country the value of which can never be overestimated. Of the manner in which this opportunity was improved, I need not speak. The long list of its Killed and wounded attests more clearly than language can the valor of its officers and men. As soon as the attack on our left commenced, the First Division and two brigades of the Second Division, Twelfth Corps, were ordered to that part of the line. The First Division moved at once, and arrived in time to assist in repelling the assault. The two brigades of the Second Division, under Brigadier-General Geary, by some unfortunate and unaccountable mistake, did not follow the First Division, but took the road leading to Two Taverns, crossing Rock Creek. Immediately after the First Division and the two brigades of the Second Division had moved from their intrenchments, the enemy attacked the remaining brigade of the corps left to hold the line. This brigade was under command of Brigadier-General Greene, and the attack commenced before he had succeeded in extending his command so as to occupy the part of the line previously occupied be the troops sent to the support of our left. Although General Greene handled his command with great skill, and although his men fought with gallantry never surpassed by any troops under my command, the enemy succeeded in gaining possession of a portion of our intrenchments. After a severe engagement of nearly three hours' duration, General Greene remained in possession of the left of our line of works, while the right, which had previously been held by the First Division, was in possession of the enemy. During this engagement, General Greene was re-enforced by three regiments from the First Corps and three from the Eleventh Corps, all of which did good service. Immediately after the repulse of the enemy on the left, the First Division was