Today in History:

628 Series I Volume XVII-I Serial 24 - Corinth Part I


with instructions to hold that important position and reconnoiter the river toward the city.

Brigadier General M. L. Smith, commanding Second Divisions, having been wounded, I was called to the command of the division at 3 p. m., with orders to force a passage across the Chickasaw Bayou.

On the 29th, at 12 m., the Sixth Missouri was ordered forward and gallantly marched across a narrow sand bar, but found the ascent of the opposite bank directly under the rifle-pits impracticable, owing to its great height, and they were compelled to hover close under the bank for protection from the enemy, who were strongly posted on the bank to dispute the passage and were using an old levee as a rifle-pit. The rebels having been heavily re-informed toward evening, after dark the Sixth was 1 commissioned officer and 42 men wounded.

On the 28th and 29th ultimo there was heavy skirmishers all along the line.

The reports of the killed and wounded of the other regiments have been heretofore forwarded to headquarters.

During the 30th and 31st the two divisions have been occupied in strengthening pour positions.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General, Commanding First and Second Divisions.

Major J. H. HAMMOND,

Asst. Adjt. General, Right Wing, Army of the Tennessee.

Numbers 5.

Report of Captain Peter P. Wood, battery A, First Illinois Light Artillery.

On board Steamer Plantet, January 16, 1863.

DEAR SIR: I have the honor of reporting to you the part taken by the battery under my command in the actions before Vicksburg on the 27th, 28th, 30th, and 31st ultimo and the 1st instant:

Battery debarked from steamer City of Memphis on the night of Friday, the 26th ultimo, on the right bank of the Yazoo River, about 1 mile above Old River. On Saturday morning, with division, moved toward the front, bivouacking for the night near the Vicksburg road. On Sunday morning mover forward to Chickasaw Bayou, went into battery about 11 a. m., and opened a sharp fire on the levee, rifle-pits, and a battery opposite, it is supposed with some effect, as soon after opening two regiment and some field pieces of the enemy were moved rapidly to a more covered position. Were engaged about there hours.

On Monday from same position were ordered to cover the advance of the Sixth Missouri Regiment, which we did, firing rapidly for about one hour (for fell of endangering the infantry in front we used our explosives with uncut fuse); retained our position after fire was ordered ceased until dark, when we were retired, being relieved by Company B, Captain Barrett. Were under fire this day about four hours.

Tuesday night were ordered by Major Taylor into an entrenchment (thought up by Fifty-fifth Illinois, under direction of Colonel Malmborg) in and over ravine on the right of division, the position enfilading enemy's