Today in History:

620 Series I Volume XVII-I Serial 24 - Corinth Part I


II. No person whatever, citizens, officers, or sutlers, will, on any consideration, bay or deal in cotton or other produce of the country. Should any cotton be brought on board of a transport, going or returning, the brigade quartermasters of which the boat forms a part will take possession of it and invoice it to Captain A.. R. Eddy, chief quartermasters at Memphis, Tenn.

III. Should any cotton or other produce be brought back to Memphis by any character boat the quartermasters, Captain Eddy, will take possession of the same and sell it for the benefit of the United States. If accompanied by its actual producer, the planted or factor the quartermaster will furnish him a receipt for the same, to be settled for, on proof of his loyalty, at the end of the war.

IV. Boats ascending the river may take cotton from the shore for bulkheads to protect their engineers or their crew; but on arrival at Memphis it will be turned over to the quartermaster, with a statement of the time, place and name of this opener. The trade in cotton must await a more peaceful state of affairs.

V. Should any citizen accompany the expedition below Helena in violation of these orders any colonel of a regiment or captain of a battery will conscript him into the service of the United States for the unexpired term of his command; if he shows a refractory spirit, unfitting him for a soldier, the commanding officer present will turn him over to the captain of the boats as a deck-hand and complex him to work in that capacity, without wages, till the boats returns to Memphis.

VI. Any person whatever, whatever in the service of the United States of transports, found making reports for publication which might reach the enemy, giving them information, aid, and comfort, will be arrested and treated as a spy.

By order of Major General W. T. Sherman:


Assistant Adjutant-General.


Numbers 34. Forest Queen, December 25, 1862.

The point of disembarkation is at the point marked C on the chart, up the Yazoo, on the east bank, about 13 miles.

The fleet will start at 8 a. m. to-morrow under convoy of the gunboats, keeping well closed up and prepared for any event. Two companies on each boat will be fully equipped with loaded muskets ready to return the fire should our progress be opposed.

The Third Division, General G. W. Morgan, will lead and make a landing at the upper end of Johnson's farm and promptly move out one brigaded toward Mrs. Lake's plantation.

The Fourth Division, General Frederick Steele, will follow and disembark at Johnson's farm, sending one brigade out on the Vicksburg road about 2 miles.

The Second Division, General M. L. Smith, will follow and land just below General Steele. If General M. L. Smith has not returned by the hour for starting, General Stuart will move his brigade and leave these orders for General Smith to follow.

The First Division, General A. J. Smith, will the follow and disem bark at a point above Bunch's Saw-Mill.

The channel is deep, and boats will keep to the left-hand bank, leaving the gunboats the right-hand bank