Today in History:

426 Series I Volume XVII-I Serial 24 - Corinth Part I



Question. Do you mean to be understood as saying that there was no firing in the division to which you belonged on Friday, the first day of the attack on Corinth, after 2 p. m.?

Answer. There was firing by the First Missouri Regiment, of my

brigade,which was engaged with the enemy over half a mile in front of us. There was no firing by the remaining troops of my brigade or those of Rust or Villepigue in my sight. I could see nearly all their regiments. The Second Texas Regiment, in General Moore's brigade, in Price's army, was engaged at the same time with the First Missouri, immediately in our front.

Question. In your official report of the action of your brigade

at Corinth does not this passage occur:

The First Missouri Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Rilley commanding, proceeded onward, drove the enemy from one of their encampments nearly a mile inside their works, holding the same under fire until the second line of battle was formed, toward sunset.

Is that correct?

Answer. It is.

Question You say that about 5 o'clock General Lovell made a circuitous detour to the right. Was not that detour made by him for the purpose of attacking a work advantageously which was on your front, and was not that work carried by Moore's brigade?

Answer. The detour was made for the purpose of the work, but not the same one that was attacked by General Moore's brigade, Moore's brigade and the work attacked being considerably to the left of Lovell's division after the detour spoken of.

Question. You say that a little before sundown on Friday

the division of General Lovell advanced and occupied the line of encampments of the enemy behind three redoubts which had been abandoned by the enemy. Do you know what had transpired in General Price's corps, on your left, between the hours of 2 p. m. and dark of that day?

Answer. I know nothing of what transpired in General Price's corps, except in the Second Texas Regiment, of Moore's brigade.

Question. You state that on the morning of the 4th you found a large force in your front; afterward that you marched to the front in line of battle until you came in sight of the work. When did the force leave your front?

Answer. If so recorded in my testimony it was a mistake. The force at the fortifications alluded to subsequently in my testimony.

Question. Were your pickets on the night of the 3rd in advance of your lines far from the enemy's pickets? How would you propose to find the strength and position of the enemy on that night?

Answer. I should think so, from the fact that they were not disturbed during the night. Had I been in command I would have pushed a line of skirmishers up to the works of the enemy, supporting them with a reserve. It was a moonlight night.

Question. How could the enemy have been prevented on Friday night from re-enforcing Corinth from the east and south?

Question. Do you mean to say that you you would have made night attack on Friday?

Answer. Not necessarily. I believe that the place could have been carried during the afternoon and by 8 p. m.

Question. In what way?