Today in History:

959 Series I Volume V- Serial 5 - West Virginia


your judgment may be best. The only question in him mind is the one suggested bayou as to whether there is time. If only part of the guns can be moved, it would perhaps be well to do this; but this and all other points in regard to the disposition of the guns and batteries and their are placed under your control. The general expressly directs me to tell you to communicate this fact to General French.

Copies of your letters above allude to-with certain passages omitted-have been sent by special messenger to the President, with a view to having re-enforcement sent to you by railroad from Stauntin or other available cores. A battery will be sent you from here immediately, and a brigade will be kept on the Occoquan in observation. The general suggests that Hampton's Legion, as far as practicable, watch and endeavor to delay and annoy the enemy at the passage of the Occowquan; and above all get definite information in regard to their strength. If they come upon you in large numbers, approaching, say, half of their effective force for field operations,t he whole of this army would probably be thrown against them, with a determination to crush them; but if their attack upon you should prove to be only a strong demonstration, or even a real attack with numbers only a little superior to your own, if would not be well further to divide this army.

It is believed here upon the best evidence that McClellan bases his only hope of success in " putting down the rebellion" upon dividing and materially diminishing the strength of this army. The loss of Jackson's brigade was a great disadvantage to us, and was but the beginning of what McClallan is trying to accomplish. I think it will go no further; but that if he ventures from his fortification on the bank of the Potomac he will have to fight us united. Keep us well advised. A bright eye, clear head, and resolute hand will beat them is spite of their numbers, organization, and equipment. We will do everything we can towards getting information of their movements in your direction from Alexandra, and give you the earliest possible advices.

Major Martin, of the Mississippi squadron of cavalry, attacked a party of 50 men, the escort of a foraging train, about 1 1\2 miles this side of Upon's Hill, this afternoon, killed 4, wounded as many, and took 31 prisoners, among them a captain and lieutenant. he got five wagons-all they had-load with corn. On our side "nobly hurt." With best wishes for your complete success over the invaders, I am, as ever your friend,


Major-General, Commanding.

RICHMOND, November 16, 1861.

General HOLMES, Brooke's Station, Va.:

General Whiting has been authorized by telegraph to exercise his direction. So inform him.


Adjutant and Inspector General.

EVANSPORT, November 16, 1861.

General JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON, Army of the Potomac:

DEAR GENERAL: I have for Richmond to-day and hope to be able to rejoin the Army of Potomac under you soon.

One forward about Evansport batteries: We have each of these batteries