Today in History:

67 Series I Volume XXII-I Serial 32 - Little Rock Part I


the citizens that our pickets had not been there since the Monday before (December 1); sent to the neighborhood of the Dutch Mills; was not able to learn anything of our army. The enemy were then in force at Cane Hill and had pickets near the Dutch Mills. I remainder in that vicinity until late that evening, when I considered it prudent to retire down Lee's Creek and communicate with Colonel Folson, which I did that night about 5 miles from camp (Peyton's Spring). The detachment under Colonel Folson consisted of about 150 dismounted Choctaws Captain Gatlin's company of Texas Rangers, and detachment of Bryan's battalion, under Captain Miller, the whole amounting to 200 men.

On Sunday morning I sent a scout to the Line road, but found no pickets on that road; same day cannonading was heard at a distance. That evening marched back to the camp at Peyton's Spring.

Monday morning took possession of Dutch Mills and notified General Hindman of the fact. Not being able to hear anything reliable from our army, Captain Wells was dispatched Tuesday morning to communicate with General Hindman, supposed to be somewhere near Cane Hill; moved my camp nearer the Line; kept a company at the Dutch Mills.

On Wednesday evening (10th) received information, considered reliable, that the Pins were concentrating at manus', 10 miles from my camp, with the intention of attacking us the next night.

Early next morning I moved upon them; soon, dispersed them into the mountains without any damage to our men, with the exception of three horses shot. We did not follow them far into the mountains. Three Pins were killed and 1 wounded. Quite a number of them were in uniform, thought to be soldiers. Sutler tickets were found in possession of some that were killed previous to that fight.

Friday (the 12th), I moved back my command in the direction of Weber's Falls, in compliance with orders from you, Colonel Folsom's detachment having been previously ordered to fall back with the train in the direction of Fort Coffee.

On the day of the battle at Prairie Grove the enemy sent his trains on a different route from the Dutch Mills.

On the expedition we killed 10 Pins and took 3 prisoners. One being quite young and another badly wounded, were released.



Colonel, Commanding, &c.

Brigadier General D. H. COOPER.

DECEMBER 7, 1862.- Battle of Prairie Grove, Fayetteville, or Illinois Creek, Ark.


Numbers 1.- Major General Samuel R. Curtis, U. S. Army, commanding Department of the Missouri.

Numbers 2.- Brigadier General James G. Blunt, U. S. Army, commanding Army of the Frontier, with congratulations from General Curtis.

Numbers 3.- Return of Casualties in the Army of the Frontier.

Numbers 4.- Colonel John M. Richardson, Fourteenth Missouri State Militia, Cavalry.

Numbers 5.- Colonel William Weer, Tenth Kansas Infantry, commanding Second Brigade, First Division.

Numbers 6.- Major Henry H. Williams, Tenth Kansas Infantry.