Today in History:

955 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez


JACKSON, MISS., January 21, 1863.

Major General FRANK. GARDNER, Port Hudson:

There are indications of another attempt on Vicksburg. It is probable they may make one simultaneously on you. Be on the alert.


Lieutenant-General, Commanding.

ALLEYTON, January 21, 1863.


Assistant Adjutant-General:

SIR: The Germans and others who had been in rebellion have all quaintly submitted to the draft and all have come to the different rendezvous and been enrolled as soldiers. Those who were not drafted and are at home profess to be loyal fund promise to submit cheerfully to the laws of the State and Confederacy. I shall soon hear from all the disaffected of the country, and will advise you if the favorable reports are trued.

Colonel Hardneman's command are the most disorderly, outrageous set of men I ever knew. Their officers have no control over them. They are quilt off all kinds of excesses. The planters and inhabitant generally complain to me that they nearly strip them of everything they can lay hands on, and kill their beeves and hogs and steal their poultry. I have this day issued a special order, and directed it to be read at dress parade this evening. I have talked to the officers, and they acknowledge they cannot restrain these men. I inclose a copy of the orders to show the general commanding for his approval. I also inclose a copy of an orders, which I should have sent, together with the letter asking General Magruder to issue an order to Captain Baker to remain with the Arizon Brigade.

I wish you would inclose me a few printed copies of General Orders, No. 39, issued January 8, 1863, ordering martial law in Colorado, Fayette, and Austin Counties. I have only one copy. None has reached me by letter.

After consultation with Lieutenant-Colonel Hardman and others I recommend the following-named gentlemen to be appointed provost marshals, viz: Captain William I. Hebert, for Colorado County; P. J. Shaver, esq., for Fayette County, and A. J. Bill, esq., for Austin County. You will please inform me if the commanding general will appoint the military commissioners.

I was to-day informed Captain Garey that no more corn can be had in this vicinity. Many persons of whom he expected to get some pow decline to sell, and indeed to my own knowledge there is very little surplus in the country. The great demand for it in Western Texas has caused the scarcity here. Immense quantities have been shipped to supply that country. Captain Garey also informs me he has already issued 4,000 bushels to the Arizona Brigade since they

arrived here. They consume 8,000 bushels per month. It would be cheaper and a great saving to the Government to dismount the men and send their horses home to live in the ranges, and if necessary hereafter to remount them to repurchase their horses. Colonel Baylor is here on his way to San Antonie. He wished me to suggest to the commanding general, as coming from him, the propriety of removing this brigade to Marlin, or near that place, in Falls County. He says