Today in History:

951 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez


muster into Confederate service of the said regiment, issued the necessary orders, based on the above plan, but there will necessarily be a delay in my action.

The six companies above alluded to are the five companies of the State regiment, and Captain Navarro's company of Mexican citizens, now stationed on the upper line of Atascosa County, guarding a very important and much-frequented pass of the Indians.

The company commanded by Captain Stucken, now escorting Federal prisoners to Vicksburg, would be properly placed by attaching it to the frontier regiment. They are Germans from the frontier counties-so that the force will consist of seven companies.

With great respect, your obedient servant,

H. P. BEE,


P. S.-Since writing the above I have deemed best to issue the inclosed order, which I send to Governor Lubbock to be delivered to the colonel commanding the State regiment after the muster into the Confederate service.

There will be time for the general commanding to countermand or annul the orders by sending his communication to the Governor at Austin.

H. P. BEE,



Goliad, January 17, 1863.

I. Col.--, commanding the regiment transferred by the Governor of the State of Texas to the service of the Confederate States, is hereby assigned to the command of the frontier of the State of Texas bordering on the Indian Territory.

II. In compliance with the special order of Major-General Magruder, commanding the District of Texas, Col.-- will order five companies of his regiment, with a field officer, to march forth with to Ringgold Barracks, for service on the Rio Grande.

III. Captain Angel Navarro's company of Texas Cavalry is temporarily assigned to duty with the frontier regiment, and will report to Col. -- forthwith.

IV. Fiver companies of the frontier regiment, together with Captain Navarro's company, will constitute a command for the special protection of the frontier against Indian depredations. The colonel commanding will make such disposition of this force as his practical knowledge of the frontier shall seem to him best calculated to give permanent protection to the people of the frontier, and will be held responsible for the efficient service of his command.

V. The six companies above mentioned are authorized to recruit their ranks to 100 men each, and for this purpose may enlist men between the ages of eighteen and forty not already assigned to companies in service.

VI. The quartermaster, commissary, and ordnance departments of this brigade will make the necessary arrangements for the efficient supply of this command for twelve months.

H. P. BEE,
