Today in History:

882 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez

Page 882 W. FLA., S. ALA., S. MISS., LA., TEX., N. MEX. Chapter XXVII.

for their services. Immediate steps were taken to dispose of my cavalry force so as to crush out this movement as soon as it was made, and representations were made to the Governors of the adjoining States of Mexico as to the ill effects which would ensue from such a movement. It gives me great pleasure to state that answers have been received to my communications, assuring me that the rumors had been exaggerated and that the disposable force of those States (supposed to be ample) will be promptly used to prevent any such movement.

Through the influence of Mr. Corwin, United State minister to Mexico, the tone of the Juarez Government in Mexico has been hostile to our cause, and at his dictation various measures have been initiated calculated to annoy and injure us. Finding that the decrees of the Supreme Government were unnoticed and disobeyed by Governor Vidaurri, of the States of Nuevo-Leon and Cohahuila, who has upon all occasions evinced the most friendly spirit toward our cause and people, they have finally decreed martial law on their frontiers, forbid the export or import of any article whatever from Texas, and closed their custom-houses, &c.: and knowing that Governor Vidaurri would not obey, they named a new governor and sent him our to displace him. Vidaurri has set this order at defiance, and the people, in the face of it, have re-elected him Governor, the elections coming on just at that time. General Comonfort, who marched to Mexico from this frontier with its contingent for the war with the French, promptly notified the Jaurez Government that he should sustain Vidaurri, and, if necessary, march his troops back to Nuevo Leon. The result is that the new governor will not attempt to assume his position, and an event so injurious to our interests is happily avoided.

The commanding general is doubtless aware of the great advantage we are deriving from the trade with Mexico. With the glittering attraction of our cotton the whole available resources of Mexico are being brought to us. Shoes, blankets, cloth, powder, lead, saltpeter, sulphur, &c., are now coming in in quantity which will soon supply our wants. But few supplied indeed reach us from other sources, for the foreign trade of Matamoras, while anxious to get our cotton, prefer to pay specie to exchanging goods for it. I feel authorized to say to the general commanding that if he will authorize cotton to be purchased and stored at San Antonio every article manufactured in Mexico in required quantity will be brought here and exchanged for it at from 15 to 25 per cent. advance on cost and charges. The government now pays in Confederate money from 100 to 1,000 per cent. I sincerely wish, for the good of my country, that I could attract the attention of the Government to the rich mine of wealth and power she has in this cotton. Every bale should be purchased and all transactions be made on that basis. It will obtain for us every article that it desired; it will put our currency at par, and it will save the people and country from the extortion of the Jews and Gentiles who are preying on our vitals. The occasion does not allow me to extend this subject, but I hazard no official or personal reputation in saying, in a word, that within six months, by the exercise of high military powers, the currency will be available to the Government and soldiers and supplies of all sorts for the ensuing year be secured beyond a doubt.

I respectfully ask that the order of the general commanding Trans-Mississippi Department, forbidding the issue of bacon to the troops, may be modified, so that army in this section of the State, whose supplies are obtained here and which supplies are not available for the army in Arkansas, may receive it.

Page 882 W. FLA., S. ALA., S. MISS., LA., TEX., N. MEX. Chapter XXVII.