Today in History:

769 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez


against the enemy, in which case your arms were to replaced from those forwarded to him. I presume that you do not desire more than this . The Confederate Government has has to pay the freight on all the State arms brought over and has had all trouble and expense of running the blockade. This, together with constant seizures by officers, who frequently did it ignorance of the State Marks, leads to so much annoyance, that the Department has been compelled to exclude from shipments hereafter made all arms not the property of the Government.

So soon as the battle now progressing shall release General Magruder he shall start for Louisiana with a military chase and arms. Your arms will of course be returned or replaced.


Secretary of War.

HDQRS. LOUISIANA MILITIA, ADJT. GENERAL'S OFFICE, No. 694. Opelousas, June 27, 1862.

I. Colonel Bisland, commanding Terre Bonne Regiment, will order out, on receipt of this order, the militia of Terre Bonne, and put it into active service.

II. Should Colonel Bisland not obey these orders Lieutenant Col. William L. Shaffer will immediately comply with requisites of article No. 1 of these orders.

* * * * *

But order of Thomas O. Moore, Governor and commander-in-chief:


Adjutant and Inspector General.

HDQRS. DEPTH. SOUTH. MISS. AND EAST LA., No. 5. Vicksburg. Miss., June 28, 1862.

General Van Dorn assumes command in person of the defense of Vicksburg and surrounding country. General M. L. Smith will remain in immediate charge of the defense of the city, and will call upon the general commanding for whatever force he may require from time to time. He will him informed of his operations and of the movements of the enemy on the river his front.

The general commanding the troops in the field (Breckinridge's corps) will make the deposition already indicated by written instructions to him, and will be continually ready for active service. The greatest promptness is essential to success, and tit is hoped that all will be actuated by the same spirit, to the death, that the citizens of Vicksburg have manifested by the willing sacrifice of their property.

Lieutenant-To Ferguson is charged with observing the movements of the enemy on both flanks of our position. His cavalry should be vigilant, energetic, fearless, and untiring. Information must be conveyed promptly to these headquarters. The outpost under command of General Bowen is important, and it is expected that he will do all in his power to guard it well, as well also the post of Colonel Miller. Couriers should be kept at all headquarters to convey information to general headquarters. Colonel Ferguson will detail them upon application.

Let it be done in mind by all that the army here is defending the