Today in History:

763 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez


be ready for a vigorous opposition to it. Our armament is not quite complete and we cannot a crew. I sent to Grenada some days ago to engage men from the Montgomery fleet, and from the answer given to the officer charged with the duty I was led by Commodore Montgomery to believe that I could obtain men from his late command, and I further supposed that they came here from Grenada with the purpose of joining the Arkansas. These people were paid off and discharged yesterday by Montgomery, and I do not believe I will get one of them, the ought I have tried every way to induce them to join the Arkansas. They talk among themselves of going to New Orleans. Many will, I think, attempt to reach Memphis. I think that, with exceptions, they intend to join the enemy. I hope that you will cause them to be cared for while making the attempt. I can obtain two-thirds of a crew from the Confederate States vessels now in the Yazoo, and having failed with Montgomery's men, I will apply to General M. L. Smith, at Vicksburg, who can give me 40 or 50 more. Efforts to ship men at Mobile and Jackson failed. I can do nothing just now to aid in saving boats along the Mississippi River, from which, by the Yazoo, I am 90 miles distant. My attention is entirely required in getting the Arkansas ready. Our defenses at the raft on Yazoo River will prove weak against a land force-two 42s and a few militia. The gunboats below may serve as fire-ships. Three guns have been taken for the Arkansas. The ram Van Dorn has been ordered to the mouth of the Yazoo to report the enemy's proceedings. No intelligence yet of the enemy's approach from above. I congratulate you upon the prospect of a prompt campaign. I will do what I can to injure the enemy.

I am, very respectfully, yours,


Lieutenant, C. S. Navy.

GRENADA, MISS., June 23, 1862.

General VILLEPIGUE, Abbeville, Miss.:

Copy of telegram just received:

VICKSBURG, MISS., June 23, 1862.

General RUGGLES:

It is [of the] utmost importance those troops should get here without delay. Dispatch for them. Fleet here now-twenty-seven boats. Answer.



I have orders from General Bragg to send all troops called for by General Van Dorn immediately. Leave Colonel Jackson's cavalry, unless you have been instructed by higher authority to take it. Dispatches sent by staff officer. Answer.



GRENADA, MISS., June 23, 1862-10 a. m.

Major-General VAN DORN, Vicksburg, Miss.:

The troops will be forwarded as fast as is possible; 4,000 to-night.

