Today in History:

509 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez


armed patriots to teach the hated invader that the rifle will be his only welcome on his errands of plunder and destruction. Wherever he dares to raise the noted emblem of tyranny tear in down and rend it in tatters.


The noble heroism of the patriot Mumford has placed his name high on the list of our martyred sons. When the Federal Navy reached New Orleans a squad of marines were sent on shore, who hoisted their flag on the Mint. The city was not occupied by the United States troops nor had they reached there. The place was not in their possession. William B. Mumford pulled down the detested symbol with his own hands, and for that was condemned to be hung by General Butler after his arrival. Brought in full view of the scaffold, his murderers, hoped to appall his heroic soul by the exhibition of the implements of ignominious death. With the evidence of their determination to consummate this brutal purpose before his eyes they offered him life on the condition that he would abjure his country and swear allegiance to her foe. He spurned the offer. Scorning to stain his soul with such foul dishonor, he met his fate courageously and transmitted to his countrymen a fresh example of what men will do and dare when under the inspiration of fervid patriotism. I shall not forget the outrage of his murder not shall it pass unatoned.


I am not introducing any new regulations for the conduct of our citizens, but am only placing before them those that every nation at war recognizes as necessary and proper to be enforced. It is needless therefore to say that they will not be relaxed. On the contrary, I am but awaiting the assistance and presence of the general appointed to the department to inaugurate the most effectual method for their enforcement. It is well to repeat them.

Trading with the enemy is prohibited under all circumstances.

Traveling to and from New Orleans and other places occupied by the enemy is forbidden. All passengers will be arrested.

Citizens going to those places and returning with the enemy's usual passport will be arrested.

Conscripts or militia-men having in possession such passports and seeking to shun duty under the pretext of a parole shall be treated as public enemies. No such papers will be held sufficient excuse for inaction by any citizen.

The utmost vigilance must be used by officers and citizens in the detection of spies and salaried informers and their apprehension promptly effected.

Tories must suffer the fate that every betrayer of his country deserves.

Confederate notes shall be received and used as the currency of the country.

River steamboats must in no case be permitted to be captured. Burn them when they cannot be saved.

Provisions may be conveyed to New Orleans only in charge of officers and under the precautionary regulations governing communication between belligerent.