Today in History:

492 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez

Page 492 W.FLA., S.ALA., S.MISS., LA., TEX., N.MEX. Chapter XXVII.

doubts upon the matter, and not to embarrass any, especially neutrals, by his necessary military orders, the commanding general hereby revises General Orders, No. 41, so far as to permit any foreign subject, at his election, to take and subscribe the following oath instead of the oath at first set forth:

I, -- --, do solemnly swear that I will, to the best of my ability, support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.


Je, -- --, jure solennellement, autant qu'il sera en moi, de souvenir, de maintenir et de defendre la Constitution des Etats Unis. Que Dieu me soit en aide.

The general is sure that no foreign subject can object to this oath, as it is in the very words of the oath taken by every officer of the European Brigadier, prescribed more than a year ago, in "Les Reglements de la Legion Francaise, forme a la Nouvelle Orleans, le 26 d'Avril, 1861," as will be seen by the extract below (page 22), and claimed as an act of strictest neutrality by the officers taking it, and for more than a year has passed by all the foreign consuls, so far as he is informed, without protest.

Serment que doivent preter tous les officiers de la Legion Francaise.

STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleans.

I, -- --, do solemnly swear that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties of --, of the French Legion, and that I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the State and of the Confederate States. So help me God.

Sworn to and subscribed before me.


ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE, Paroisse d'Orleans.

Je, -- --, jure solennellement de remplir, autant qu'il sera en moi, les devoirs de -- de la Legion Francaise, et je promets de souvenir, de maintenir et de defendre la Constitution de l'Etat et celle des Etats Confederes. Que Dieu me soit en aide.

Assermente et signe devant moi.

By command of Major-General Butler:


Captain and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

New Orleans, June 21, 1862.

Any vessel attempting to leave this port and take away any person of color who did not come here on board of here on board of her and has not a pass from these headquarters will be liable to confiscation and her master punished by imprisonment.

No vessel shall so leave the port until the master shall take an oath that he has not any such person on board and will not allow any such to come on board.

By command of Major-General Butler:


Captain and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

Page 492 W.FLA., S.ALA., S.MISS., LA., TEX., N.MEX. Chapter XXVII.