Today in History:

395 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez


its perilous position is indebted to a great extent. He has shown himself equal to every emergency, and to him and the officers and men of his command I feel proud to return my acknowledgments. In truth, he was the New of our retreat, and the shield and buckler of our little force.

Colonel Reily, of the Fourth Texas Regiment Mounted Volunteers, who fell in the battle of Franklin, was a gallant and chivalrous soldier, whose loss I deeply regret.

Colonel Gray and his regiment, Twenty-eighth Louisiana Volunteers, officers and men, deserve most favorable mention. Their gallantry in action is enhanced by the excellent discipline which they have preserved, and no veteran soldiers could have excellent them in their conduct during the trying scenes through which they passed. I cannot omit mentioning particularly Captain Bradford, of the Twenty-eighth Louisiana Regiment, whose bravery and coolness was conspicuous on all occasions. I am happy to state that his wounds are not dangerous, and hope that he will shortly be restored to service. Colonel Bagby, who was wounded in the action on Monday, merits the highest consideration.

Colonel Vincent, and the officers and men of the Second Louisiana Cavalry, in the action of Tuesday, and those who participated in the retreat, behaved handsomely.

Captain Semmes, in command of the Diana, and his crew conduced themselves with the greatest bravery and intrepidity, and deserve the highest encomiums.

Lieutenant West, of Semmes' battery, who commanded the rifled section on the retreat from the lower line to Jeanerette, handled his pieces with great skill and efficiency severe loss upon the enemy in his pursuits. This officer and his men contributed largely toward the extrication of our army from its position of peril.

Lieutenant Tarleton, of Cornay's battery, commanded the 24-pounder siege gun, and acquitted himself with credit and distinction.

Captain Sayers and the officers and men of the Valverde Battery behaved with great gallantyr. Captain Sayers was wounded in the ankle in the action of Monday, the 13th. Semmes' battery fully sustained its merited reputation and did efficient service.

The Pelican Battery, Captain Faries, was handled with great skill, and all its officers and men bore themselves like good soldiers and receive my acknowledgments for their brave and effective service.

The Confederate Guards Response Battalion, Major Clark commanding, which reached me about daybreak on Tuesday morning was of invaluable service to me, and after a march of upward of 20 miles during the night entered into the engagement near Franklin on Tuesday morning like fresh troops and bore themselves like invincible soldiers. To their courage is added thorough discipline, which they kept up during the whole retreat.

In mentioning these particular corps and individuals I do not mean to detract from the merit and gallantry of the other brave troops of the command; all who participated in the fight manifest courage and devotion which is worthy of all praise. Lieutenant-Colonel Fournet, who was deserted by the most of his command, displayed courage and gallantry throughout the engagements. Other officers and soldiers, who have distinguished themselves, will be brought to the notice of the Government when General Mouton's report is received.

I cannot speak too highly of the services rendered by my staff officers and those of General Sibley, who remained with me. Lieutenant-