Today in History:

1218 Series I Volume XLVI-II Serial 96 - Appomattox Campaign Part II

Page 1218 N. AND SE. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter LVIII.

Numbers of rations.

Reported by Major H. Craston, Augusta, Ga., as

purchased by him along Savannah River, near Augusta;

80,000 bushels corn................................. 4,000,000

Reported by Major A. M. Allen, Columbus, Ga., on

hand January 2: 80,000 bushels corn................. 4,000,000


Total............................................... 8,718,000

NOTE.- Major Isaac Shelby, jr., in Southwest Virginia, reports his ability to procure 100,000 bushels corn and wheat in that section and East Tennessee if money and transportation be provided.

About 500,000 pounds sugar and large quantities rice ordered from South Carolina, portion of which is now route to Richmond.

In depot at Richmond: 30,000 pounds coffee (500,000 full rations); 42,000 pounds sugar (350,000 full rations).


Major and Commissary of Subsistence.



February 13, 1865.

This paper is respectfully referred for the information of the honorable Secretary of War, in connection with report of Commissary-General of 9th instant.


Commissary-General of Subsistence.

[Inclosure Numbers 4.] SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, C. S. A., Richmond, February 9, 1865.

Colonel L. B. NORTHROP,

Commissary-General, C. S. A.:

COLONEL: I respectfully submit the following report of the financial operations of this bureau since January 1, 1865:

Requisitions have been made for $20,000,000 as follows:

For purchases in-

Virginia............................... $4,700,000

North Carolina......................... 1,600,000

South Carolina......................... 600,000

Georgia................................. 6,900,000

Mississippi............................. 1,250,000

Alabama................................. 1,000,000

Florida................................. 280,000

Army of Northern Virginia direct........ 2,000,000

Remainder for hospitals, &c. (including

$600,000 for Camp Lee for commutation

for returned prisoners expected)........ 1,670,000

The amount of requisitions answered at the Treasury since January 1 in currency is $15,000,000 as follows:

For Major R. Tannahill (South Virginia)..$2,500,000

For Major R. J. Moses (Georgia).......... 4,000,000

For Southwest Virginia.................... 2,000,000

For this bureau........................... 1,000,000

For Major R. W. N. Noland (Northeast Virginia). 750,000

For North Carolina........................ 800,000

For South Carolina........................ 800,000

For Alabama............................... 900,000

For Mississippi........................... 800,000

For Tennessee (Bristol)................... 500,000

Remainder for hospitals, tobacco, and the

miscellaneous service of the department... 950,000

Page 1218 N. AND SE. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter LVIII.