Today in History:

358 Series I Volume XLVI-II Serial 96 - Appomattox Campaign Part II

Page 358 N. AND SE. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter LVIII.

CUMBERLAND, February 2, 1865.

Colonel JOHN H. OLEY,

Charleston, W. Va.:

The following has just been received from General Sheridan, and is sent for your information:

On the 19h of January General Early's headquarters were at Staunton. On that day General McClausland's brigade passed through Stauntion en route to West Virginia. The whole of Lomax's division, not exceeding, 1,000 men, have been ordered to West Virginia, and have got there by this time. On the 21st Echols' brigade, 400 strong, was sent by railroad from Lynchburg, by Virginia and East Tennessee road, to Dublin Station. Rosser has about 400 men in camp seven miles from Staunton, on the Jackson River railroad. Fitz Lee's headquarters are at Waynesboroguh; nearly all of his River railroad. Fitz Lee's headquarters are at Wahnesborough; nearly all of his division and Rosser's have been disbanded for the winter, to report in March next. Some few of Fitz Lee's men are at Orange Court-House and a few troops at Stauntion and Lynchburg. Some little artillery and two brigades of infantry at Fisherville.


Chief of Staff.

By command of Major-General Croook:


Major and Assistant Adjutant-General.

CHARLESTON, W. VA., February 2, 1865.


Asst. Adjt. General, Dept. of West Virginia, Cumberland, Md.:

General Sheridan's dispatch received. My information to-day is that a brigade each of cavalry and infantry are now in Geenbrier and Monroe. Four batteries reported gone to Narrows; think this too large, but some there. The forces are considerably scattered, gathering forage and supplies. Think no move this was is contemplated at present. Supplies the main object. Consider the above reliable. Feel confident none this of Meadow Bluff yet. Shall I order Captain Furst to Cumberland?


Colonel, Commanding First Separate Brigade.

LOUP CREEK, February 2, 1865.

Colonel J. H. OLEY,

Commanding, &c., Charleston:

Captain Mann reports that there are certainly two brigades in Greenbrier and Monroe Counties and four batteries at the Narrows of New River. Rosser is said to be in Bath with 1,200 men. A deserter that came in yesterday said that he saw two soldiers at Lewisburg (which he was acquainted with) form Rosser's command. They reported that Rosser was about forty miles from Lewisburg, in Bath County. I think his story is correct. It is a week ago since he passed through Lewisburg.


Captain, Commanding Post.

Page 358 N. AND SE. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter LVIII.