Today in History:

646 Series I Volume XIX-II Serial 28 - Antietam Part II

Page 646 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter XXXI.

October 4, 1862.

Major General GUSTAVUS W. SMITH,

Commanding, &c., Richmond, Va.:

GENERAL: Your letter of the 28th ultimo has been received.* I fear the delay occasioned by Surgeon Fisher in the removal of the sick from Warrenton, from declining to carry out the orders given by me, as reported by Dr. Herndon, has caused the capture of many of our men. If the reports I see in the newspapers are correct, I think it necessary that you investigate the matter, and, unless satisfied with the course of Dr. Fisher, that you cause his ares and trial. The arms you report as having been ordered from Gordonsville belong to the sick and wounded of General Jackson's army, which were left there to be forwarded when required. The convalescents and conscripts who have joined his corps now render them necessary. He reported to me some days since that he had 3,000 men without arms, and had sent for those stored at Gordonsville. I fear he will not now be able to obtain them. I am much gratified to learn of the improvement of the condition of things around Richmond, and the increase of your force. I do not think the enemy will venture far toward the Rappahannock while we are on their flanks.

I am, most respectfully and truly, yours,

R. E. LEE,


Camp on Washington Run, Va., October 4, 1862.

(Received October 7, 1862.)


Secretary of War, Richmond, Va.:

SIR: I have the honor to inclose a report of General Pendleton, chief of artillery, made by my order, in reference to the reorganization of the artillery of this army. The order for the accomplishment of this purpose is also inclosed. This tap was imperatively necessary, in my opinion, and, if the Department has the authority, I ask that the act be approved and consummated, and that such companies as have been designated by General Pendleton may be disbanded, the men and officers arranged as assigned, and those officers dropped as recommended. The temporary combination of the companies can, at any rate, be approved, which, from the paucity and condition of the artillery horses and the reduced number of men in the companies, was required to attain any degree of efficiency, and to insure the safety of the guns themselves. One of the measures recommended by General Pendleton, namely, the reduction of the batteries of the Louisiana Washington Artillery, was not fully carried out by the order. I was prevented by the representations of Colonel Walton as to the peculiar circumstance attending the organization of that battalion, and its acceptance into the service of the Confederate States in the specified f form in which it now exists. Unwilling to violate any arrangement or agreement which might have been made at the time, I directed two of the guns of the weakest company to be turned into the Ordnance Department, and retain the four companies. I recommend, however, that the four companies be reduced to three, the surplus officers relieved from duty, and the men distributed among the retained companies, provided it can be done without violating plighted


*Not found.


Page 646 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter XXXI.