Today in History:

304 Series I Volume XIX-II Serial 28 - Antietam Part II

Page 304 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter XXXI.

fell back, losing their guns. He heard General Wight read note that Harper's Ferry was surrendered to Jackson. We have arrested and hold this man prisoner. His name is Samuel W. Sullivan.



WASHINGTON, D. C., September 15, 1862.

Major-General WOOL, Baltimore:

GENERAL: Your letter of the 13th has been laid before the Secretary of War, and I am instructed to say, in reply, that the President has not been induced by "Jacobins" or any others to remove you from the command. On the contrary, he wishes you to pursue a conciliatory course toward the civil authorities of that State, and to furnish the Governor with one of the Maryland regiments to enforce the draft, if he makes the requisition. It is of the very greatest importance that the civil and military authorities in Baltimore act together with cordiality. The Government, therefore, expects that the military commander will do his utmost to prevent any misunderstanding between them. Provost-Marshal McPhail was appointed by the War Department, and, of course, you will not be held responsible for arrests made by him. Where, however, all are laboring for the same great end, a mere difference of judgment on matters of arrests should not prevent a cordial co-operation. Perhaps, on consultation with the Governor, he may deem it best, under existing circumstances, not to withdraw any forces from the defense of Baltimore and the railroads.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,



Fort Monroe, Va., September 15, 1862.

Major General H. W. HALLECK,


GENERAL: Before I left Baltimore I designed to represent to the Government the importance of making Fort Federal Hill a permanent fortification, but was prevented by my sudden departure. There id now an admirable earthwork there, and all that is necessary is to surround it with brick walls, and construct casemates within. I do not think an essential alteration of the plan necessary. The ground would probably cost, on appraisement, $100,000; the work, $250,000, which, in view of the important object to be secured, is a very moderate expenditure.

The considerations by which this measure is supported are as follows:

1st. The geographical position of Baltimore renders it indispensable that it should be under the control of the Government military force, in order to insure the quietude and safety of the capital. The direct connection of the two cities, and the preponderance of Baltimore in population, require that the latter should not be left to the dangers arising from popular or political excitement.

2d. There is no city in the Union in which domestic disturbances have been more frequent or carried to more fatal extremes from 1812 to the present day. Although the great body of the people are eminently distinguished for their moral virtues, Baltimore has always contained a

Page 304 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter XXXI.