Today in History:

194 Series I Volume XXXIX-III Serial 79 - Allatoona Part III

Page 194 KY., SW. VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N. G. A. Chapter LI.

limits of expenditure. A small block-house has been constructed on Casino Hill in advance of Fort Negley and Morton, which is insufficient to hold the position. I propose, for the entire defense of Nashville, including the advanced portions of barracks, hospitals, store-houses, and corrals the following batteries and small works:

First. A battery at the reservoir.

Second. A small work held by a strong block-house on University Hill.

THIRD. A battery on the next rise toward Fort Negley, to sweep the railroad and turnpike.

Fourth. Fort Negley to be strengthened by an interior, double-cased block-house, with a parapet on the top, each star salient to be arranged so that the gun may be covered. It is now entirely exposed. The re-entering to be strengthened by some obstacle, as abatis, chevaux-de-frise, or palisade, in a sufficient excavation to be covered from enemy's fire. Thus modified Fort Negley will be a strong work.

Fifth. A strong, double-cased block-house for Casino Hill, covered against direct fire from the high ground to the WEST by a parapet or battery for guns, the battery to be protected by external obstacles, and connected with the block-house by a palisade. The block-house to be a bomb-proof, surmounted by a parapet.

Sixth. Fort Morton to be completed as now being built. The rear parapet will, however, be reduced to the minimum. It may be necessary to pile up rock and earth on the exterior for a glacis, and as some exterior obstacles, as the work is neither flanked nor has a ditch, and the ground near the fort is not seen from the parapet. The interior block-house covered by the parapet against direct fire, will serve as a keep and bomb-proof.

Seventh. Fort Houston to be completed as cheaply as possible. Instead of the line of caseated bomb-proof connecting the two polygons, I propose a double caponiere. The parapets of these works will be made the minimum on the rear line, and the northern one left much lower than the plans indicated. The immense traverse bomb-proof will be omitted, and perhaps a small black-house bomb- proof put in their place. Of course, the independent scarp will not be constructed.

Eighth. Fort Gillem was build by General Gillem; it is about 100 feet square; it is not defilated from the near hill (210 ref.) to the southwest, has no bomb-proof nor magazine, but has a deep ditch, walled with dry stone. The emplacements for eight guns are an barbette. I propose to defilade this work, to thow up melons for the protection of the guns and gunners, to build a small magazine and block-house, bomb-proof.

Ninth. General Cullum proposed a work for hill (210 ref.) in advance of Fort Gillem, and that one or two batteries to the left toward Fort Houston should be constructed to aid in the defense of that portion of the line. Hill (210 ref.) should doubtless be held to prevent an enemy from seizing it, and to give flank fire upon approach, by the valley, to the left. As this hill is very rocky, a work upon it will be expensive. I propose a polygonal work with exterior obstacles, and a double-cased, strong block-house, bomb- proof, for interior defense, covered against direct fire from the hills in the vicinity by the parapet of the works, and surmounted by an earth parapet. The batteries to the left may be simple batteries, defended either by contiguous rifle-pits or by a stockade inclosure.

Tenth. General Cullum in his conversation with me expressed an opinion in favor of continuing the line of defense, from hill (210 ref.) to the sharp bend of the river near old Fort Zollicoffer. I think this would press the defensive line too far forward, and too near the range of high

Page 194 KY., SW. VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N. G. A. Chapter LI.