Today in History:

975 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


R. T. Jones, of the Twelfth Alabama, the most accomplished officer in the brigade; Lieutenant-Colonel Williughain and Major Nesmith, of the Sixth Alabama, an(l Capt. C. C. Otey, of the Heavy Artillery Battalion, who had been consl)iduous for their gallantry and efficiency, fell while pushing forward with their men into the thickest of the fight. As a matter of duty and with l)ride and l)leasure J bear testimony to the gallantry amid steadiness of the whole brigade. Nowhere during the war has their conduct been excelled in any I)articnlar whereof a sol(lier might be prou(l to boast. The con(luct of the King William. Artillery has nowhere in the history of the war beemi equaled# for dar- ilig, coolness, or efficiency. It is of course iiapossible for me to have noticed all those individ- uals who among so many brave mneim esJ)Ccially distinguished them- selves, but it is my (luty to mention the names of some who attracted my attention and to rccommen(l those of them who are still living as worthy to receive the badge of honor alluded to in General Order~ Ii, Lou gstreets division, May 23, 1862. No. Aiiiong the living whose gallantry and coolness entitle theiri to (lis- tinction I beg to mention Col. J. B. Gordoum, Sixth Alabama; Col. C. C. I~egues, Fifth Alabama; Col. W. H. Taylor, Twelfth Mississippi; Maj. F. L. Hobsomi, Fifth Alabamna; Maj. S. B. Pickens, Twelfth Alabama; Capt. T. II. Carter, King William Artillery; Captains Bagby amid White and Lieutenant Yeatnuan, of the Heavy Artillery Battalioii; Capt. A. M. Gordon, Sixth Alabama.; Capt. Exton Tucker Twelfth Alabama; Private Johmiston, King William Artillery, and Sergt. Robert Ilall, Twelfth Mississippi Regiment. For those that are dead I beg that the testimmionial to. their distin~- guuishle(l merit may be transmitted to their nearest relatives. Among those to whose memory it is eminently (Inc are Col. R. T. Jones, Lien- teiiant-Colonel Williugham, Major Nesmnith, and Capt. C. C. Otey. Cap- taitis Fox and Bell, of the Sixth Alabama; Captains Keeling and Darwin, of the Twelfth Alabama; Captain hastings, of the Twelfth Mississippi, and Lieutenant Newman, of the Kimig William Artillery, though not coming under my owim observation, are rCl)Orted to me by those coni- l)etent to judge as having behaved with such coolness and gallautmy as to entithe them also to the testiinomiial. Many others are doubtless equally deserving of honorable meiition, but none of thmeni have been formally reported to me. My staff officersMaj. 1). T. Webster, acting commissary of snbsist~ ence; Capt. II. A. Whitimig, assistaiit adjutant-gemmeral; Lients. P. T. Stittomi and Greene Peyton, aides-de-caml)~couducte(l themselves in StLch a gallamit mamimier amid were so efficient that it is my duty to recoma- mend them as worthy to receive the badge of (histinction. Licutemiant Sutton was wounded so severely in the arm at the close of the day as to render amputation necessary. Captain Whiting had his horse killed umider hini. Major Websters horse was killed also. The bi-igade was under a constant fire of musketry and artillery dur- ilig five ami(l a. half hours, and heimee its loss was heavy. The Ibilowing statement exhibits the casualties in the different regiments amid time l)attery: (* On original is following note:) This is a strong expression, and argues that the writer was conversant with the conduct of artillery in all the various actions of the war. [D. H. H.]