Today in History:

969 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


lion of Captain Moiitagues company was detailed to assist in Captain Carters battery, many of his canuoneers having been disabled. The battalion was then ordered forward, Captain Bagbys company again taking its position in the battalion, and [orderedJ to charge the enemy in anibush among felled trees on the right of Barkers house. We l)asse(l through the enemys tents, wheeled to the right, and upon reach- in g the edge of the felled trees threw ourselves on the ground, and fired upon the enemy whenever they showed themselves. After being in this l)osition some fifteen or twenty minutes some officer in our front or- dered his regiment to retire, and when they reached our position Cap- tain Otey (acting lieutenant-colonel) gave a similar order, wheii we re- tired through the enemys tents, and about half of the battalion stopped at the intrenchmeuts; the balance retreated farther. The portion of the command that stopl)ed at the iimtrenchments remained there until after dark, when they were ordered to the rear an(l bivouacked for the night. Tb ey remained in this position duriiig the next day. There were many exhibitions of individual bravery, but I deem it unnecessary to discriminate. The (lispersion of Captain Oteys company was due to the fact their first lieutenant (acting captain) was severely wounded, another wounded, an(l the remaining taken l)risoner, who, however, escal)e(l 111)011 tIme second retreat of the enemy. We suffered in this battle very severely, losing in killed and wounded 6 commissioned officers an(l 80 enlisted meim l)Ort will show.* , as the accompanying re Respectfully, your obedient servant, JNO. R. BAUBY, C~ptaiu, Conunanding. COMMANDER OF THE THIRD BRIGADE, THIRD l)IVJSION. No. 113. Report of Brig. Gen. Gabriel J. Rains, C. S. Army, comma n(ling brigade. BRIGADE CAMP, Near Richmond, Va., June 8, 1862. MAJOR: I have the honor to forward reports from time colonels of regiments composing my brigade of the battle of Seveim Pines, an(l to gi~-e my llnqnalihe(l of the con(lmlct of eacim one on that iii(inOmmlble occasion. I~nrsnant to the instructions of Major-General Hill, omi tIme field of battle, lhigadier-Geimerah Rodes brigade being actively engaged with an overpowering mass of tile enemy, within time two riglint regiments of umy commaiah, soon followed by the third and part of time fourth, we penetrated the ~~oo~ls,to take the enemy in rear au(l drive him from his batteries, now l~layim1g with fearful effect upon our trOOl)s. We found ourselves in a swamup, but l)ressed on with alacrity until we mad Here directed Lmlimm ed the rear of ~ we by ~~iuti Ui0V- 1(lcncc, exacthy at the right place, where I made a change of front by a wheel in the thicket, and a(lvanciug found ourselves facing time foe. Some of our memin had fired on what I was afraid to be some of our own troops, but it proved otherwise from the dead bodies we h)assed, and the enemy must have been firing there upon one another. As soon as Not found.