Today in History:

965 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


regiment into the fight. We felt his absence throughout the day. I re- fer to the list of casualties as a roll of honor for our company officers Without reiterating names. The following officers an(l men are brought to my attention in the re- poits of regimental commanders, who claim for the survivors the badge of honor to be awarded under general orders, to wit: Tk irty-eighth Virginia.Capt. E. XV. Carrington and S. S. Lucke; Lients. S. A. Swanson, William Norman, Charles Scott and Color- bearer H. McDowell, dead. Company A.Sergeants Gardner and Turner, dead. Company D.Privates L. P. II. Tarpley and Cornelius Gilbert. Company E.Sergeant Shackleford. Company G.Privates Robert holmes, Alexander Gilchrist, John I). Algood, Giles A. Burton, James Wilson, James H. Bugg, and H. D. Ri ggins; C orpl. Hugh N. Weatherford. Company 1.Privates Eli D. Sizimore, Thomas L. Sizimnore, Ander- ~oii Solomon, Robert W. Vaughan, Richard Wilson, John B. Gold, and .bmmes Belcher. Company K.Sergts. G. W. Morrison and C. C. Marshall; Privates John Burlington, E. II. Estes, F. J. Hatcher, and John H. Billings; Corpl. H. C. Fortune, killed. (Time officers commanding Companies A, II, E, and F are now absent, wounded; they may have names to pre- st-nt hereafter.) & COfl(l Florida. Company A.Sergeant Riley, distinguished both at ~evemi Pines and at Williamsbur~ ; Corporal Rasson, Musician Cusli- niami, amid Privates Bradley, Bryan, ilooper, Kennedy, an(L Reed, spe- (Oil case. Company B .Lieutenants Jerkins and Thompson, and Pri ~rates Fin- ley. Crosby, Colsorm, Tidwell, Parker, and Moiphurs ; Sergeant Will- ianis, color-bearer. Company C.Corpl. J. B. Cason, and Privates Gahagami, Wilkinson, Coime, and Miller. Company D.Lieutenant Parker, who captured time colors of the Eighth New York; Sergeamit Stephens, and Privates Rawls, Morrison, .tli(1 Waller. Company E.Captain MeCaslan, Lieutenant Reynolds, dead; Ser- geamit Hoberds, Corporals Howard and Cross and Private Burleson. Company F.Captaiu Pooser, killed, anti Privates Irwin, killed, Til- Ii n ghast, Pooser, amid Butler. Company G.Captain Flagg, killed; Lieutenants Brown amid Wright, Sergeant Roberts, wounded, amid Private Masters. Company 11.Lieutenant Carlisle amid Privates Papy, killed, Holler- muman, wounded, A. Dupont, and Crabtree. Corn pany 1.Corporal Belote, wounded. Company K.Captaimi Butler, killed. Company L.Captaium Perry, killed, and Privates ilerudon pier, Horton, and Wilder. iDam Fifth North Carolina.Lieut. J. M. Taylor, assistant adjutant-general, an(I Licut. I. A. Jones. Company E .~Serot J. M. Miller, color-bearer, and Corpls. L. Bain amid Bem~jamuimm Rollins. C ~)nipaLiy H.Sergt. Jama es Goodman, for gallantry here and Will- ma~mmsbumg. AYCO ii 1Iis~iv:: yn i Ba ttaiion.Company A .Private Sutton. Coum puny BPrivate Willis. Company C.Private Williams.