Today in History:

951 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


illiies~ an(l consequent absence of General Featherston was commanded by inc The brigade was l)ut in motion, as ordered, by the left flank of regi- nieiits between 1 and 1.30 p. In., so as to be about one-quarter of a mile iii renr of Garlands brigade. After moving a short (listanee, not more thaii half a mile was me , word sent from General Garland that he was in (~-reat iteed of re-enforcenments. The step of the troops was (Jnickene(l and they moved on rapidly, the whole advance l)eing over (round exceedingly boggy and much of it covered with a very thick h growth of trees. Ff he Fourth North Carolina, being on the right and somewhat in advance, came first into action emerging- front the woods half a mile or more in front of the enemys redoubt and breastworks, il])011 ground which, up to within 200 or 300 yards of the redoubt, was obstructed by the felling of trees. The other regiments, ii) the order of their positions in lineForty-nitith Virginia, Twenty-eighth Georgia, and T wemity-seventl Georgiacame up successively i mito action, but the Twenty-eighth Georgia by mistake, resultiimg l)robably from the (lensity of tile woods through which it lla(l marched, caine up on the right of the Forty-ninth Virginia and remaine(l thus during the action. Having starte(l time three regiments on the right fairly into action I found myself in the woods on the left of the clearing with the Twenty- seventh Georoja and from the force of circumstances as the (lay ad- b vallce(l remained on this flank (luring most of the action. This i-co-i nient, having formed line in the woods, engaged the enemy there an(l chlarge(l him over a very difficult piece of obstructed grolll)(l; l)ut find- ing itself imi the face of a very greatly Sui)erior force and in too advanced a position, one, in fact, which endangered its beino- comn~)letcly flanked, it was withdrawn a short distance, its left flank throwmt back, and II went iitto time clearing to endeavor to procume re-enforcemnents before a gaimt advancing. Colonel Jenkins regiment of South Carolina Sharp- shooters amid the Sixth South Carolina Volunteers were semit with me, amid as soomi as they could be formed in line amid the firing stoI)l)c(l suf. liciemitly to make time signal agiced 111)011 (a shout from the Twenty- seventh Georgia) heard the three regirnemits agaimi charged in the best style over time same piece of obstructed groumid above alhi (led to, lirougli the woo(ls beyond, au(i completely over a large camup of the emiemy, taking a considerable number of prisoners aimd routing him coin- I )l(~t~hV. The Georgia regiment, having beett in action muncit lomiger than time South Carolimma, ami(l being somewhat scattere(l a.ll(l very munch. fatigued, was miow halted and reformued in line. Tue South Cai-olimma reginments a(lvamiccd somue distamice farther, an(l after a short time becammme again emioa(o(l with the enemny. I sent to Gemmeral it. II. Amidersoim who I heat-tied was iliemi in advance, and immformned hum of tile position of the regimimelit. lie caine himuself and comtducted it witlt lime to a l)OsitiOmt whet-c it. was piaced ut hue of battle. I titemi left it amm(l ~vent to look attet~ the rest of tite brigade. I leam-n front the report of time ~-egimncimtal (4)1 n in a imder that it became. agai ml cii o-aoe(l the eucmw~ suffered witim heavily, fought bravely, an(l remained oit a l)a.rt of the field ,greatlyin a(ivamice of the l)ositiou occul)ied by our troops to time right, untii it was m-ccahlcd some time after night-fall. Iii passimig to the rio-ht I foumid the Fourth Noith Carolina umtdei- fire, bttt e01n~)lcte1y exltansted and very badly cut to l)icccs. The Forty- mmimmthm Virginia an(l Twenty-eighth Georgia itad rethed. The circum- stammees tmtt(lcl- whiicht tlmey did so are related ut the repom-ts of their regi- utemutal commanders. I canimot give in detail the performnammees of the