Today in History:

348 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


the chassis and upper carriages placed in position and mounted. The guns and ammunition will be hauled in to-day and the guns mounted to-night. The battery will be ready for service at daylight to-morrow morning.

Sunday, May 4.-The enemy evacuated the place during the night, and the United States troops took possession at daylight.

The difficulties attending the placing in position the unusually heavy material used in this siege were very much increased by the peculiarities of the soil and by the continuance of heavy rains during the greater portion of the operations. Oftentimes the heavier guns in their transportation of three miles from the landing to the batteries would sink in the quicksands to the axle-trees of their traveling carriages. The efforts of the best trained and heaviest of the horses of the artillery reserve were of no avail in their attempts to extricate them, and it became necessary to haul this heavy metal by hand, the cannoneers working knee-deep in mud and water. In these labors the officers and men of the First Connecticut Artillery, and of the Fifth New York Volunteers exhibited extraordinary perseverance, alacrity, and cheerfulness. It finally became necessary to construct a heavy corduroy road, wide enough for two teams to pass each other, the whole distance from the landing to the depot. Whenever it was practicable to use horses, they were promptly supplied by Colonel Hunt from the batteries of the artillery reserve under his command.

At the suggestion of Major-General McClellan a number of rope mantelets, on the plan of those used by the Russians at Sebastopol, were constructed in New York, under the supervision of Colonel Delafield, corps of United States Engineers, and were forwarded to me with great dispatch. They were placed in the embrasures of batteries 2 and 3, and would doubtless have fully answered the same good purpose which those of similar construction did at Sebastopol.

Although all of the batteries but two (and they required but six hours more to be completed) were fully ready for service when the enemy evacuated his works, circumstances only permitted fire to be opened from Battery Numbers 1. The ease with which the 100 and 200 pounders of this battery were worked, the extraordinary accuracy of their fire, and the since-ascertained effects produced upon the enemy by it force upon me the conviction that the fire of guns of similar caliber and power in the other batteries at much shorter ranges, combined with the cross vertical fire of the 13 and 10-inch sea-coast mortars, would have compelled the enemy to surrender or abandon his works in less than twelve hours.

It will always be a source of great professional disappointment to me that the enemy, by his premature and hasty abandonment of his defensive line, deprived the artillery of the Army of the Potomac of the opportunity of exhibiting the superior power and efficiency of the unusually heavy metal used in this siege, and of reaping the honor and just reward of their unceasing labors day and night for nearly one month.

In conclusion, I beg to present the names of Colonel Tyler, Majors Kellogg, Hemingway, and Trumbull, Captains Perkins and Burke, First Connecticut Artillery; Major Alex. Doull, Second New York Artillery; Colonel Warren, Lieutenant-Colonel Duryea, Major Hull, and Captain Winslow, Fifth New York Volunteers, as conspicuous for intelligence, energy and good conduct under fire.

My assistant, Major Webb, captain Eleventh U. S. Infantry, and my aides-de-camp, First-Lieutenant Marshall, Second New York Artil-