Today in History:

333 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


mainder on Battery No. 4, guards, making gabions, &c., Three hundred and eighty-four gabions were made yesterday, and 1,370 on hand; 700 or 800 of these are at Methodist Church. I have directed that they be collected at the saw-will depot immediately; 119 fascines are on hand. The bridge over the south branch of Wormley's requires four more framed trestles; they will be in place to-night. The roadway covering has been delayed for want of teams, but will probably be done before the end of the week. The lower (formerly the middle) pontoon bridge over west branch will be repaid to-day with four additional balks throughout and an additional covering of boards. The upper pontoon bridge over the same stream is ready for the passage of siege artillery. Crib bridge may also bear heavy artillery. The communication between this bridge and the lower road along the north bank of west branch is completed, but the turn is rather abrupt for teams. Nearly five of the foundations for platforms for Battery Numbers 4 are laid. One magazine is completed, except the door; another is well advanced. The work progresses well. General Woodbury can spare twenty more pontoons for General Franklin, who has eighty already. Lieutenant McAlester reports as follows:

Parallel: 400 men were at work completing it during the day, and at night I opened with 500 men the branch parallel designed to communicate with Duane parallel at Battery Numbers 2. Redoubt: 200 men during the day-time were widening ditch and parapet. Battery Numbers 9: 250 men were completing excavation and reading road leading up to it by daylight. It will be ready for platforms and traverses at noon to-day. Battey Numbers 11: 150 men completed excavation for battery and magazine by daylight. May complete the magazine to-day. Battery Numbers 12; 200 men completed excavation ready for platforms, and opened road leading up to it by daylight. Magazines will be excavated to-day.

Thursday, May 1.-The parallel under direction of Captain Duana on left of Wormley's Creek nearly finished; on right branch of Wormley's Creek completed. Redoubt B completed. Battery Numbers 1: extension nearly completed; enough to receive armament. Batteries Nos.13 and 14 laid out and worked one day and night. General Woodbury reports 416 men on detached service, and the remainder employed on bridges, batteries, making gabions, &c. Two hundred and twenty-six gabions made yesterday and 1,241 on hand; 79 fascines on hand. Bridge over south branch of Wormley's: frame completed. If the weather will permit it will be ready for use in two or three days. Two double covered pontoon bridges and one good crib bridge now span the west branch of Wormley's Creek. Seven foundations for mortar platforms in Battery Numbers 4 were ready last night. Captain Stewart reports that 195 axmen were employed in cutting trees on the 29th ultimo from Redoubt A to Battery Numbers 7 and from No 7 to the clearing between Nos. 7 and 8. To form an obstruction trees were also cleared away from front of Battery Numbers 8. A party was also employed at night, under Lieutenant Farquhar, in throwing up a covered way along the road from Numbers 7 to Numbers 8. On the 30th ultimo a party of 800 men worked upon the pit across the clearing between os. 7 and 8; 200 men also employed on Numbers 7. Others were making fascines, making abatis, and preparing timber for magazines. Lieutenant McAlester reports his operations for the last twenty-four hours as follows:

Redoubt C: the width of ditch was increased from 7 to 8 feet, the ramp of approach commenced, and last night the excavation for closing gorge was opened. To-morrow I hope to commence emplacements for guns. Parallel: the parallel has now its width of 12 feet. With some slight exceptions earthen banquettes are in for about one-quarter the length, and a few log ones were arranged yesterday. I think it can all be completed to-morrow night. Road leading from mill road to Battery Numbers 2. The bridge across ravine half done; can be completed to-night, I think. Battery Numbers 9: