Today in History:

331 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


requires that this officer, when he has not sufficient tools, shall immediately make requisition, upon General Woodbury, in charge of depots. These delays are generally, I am forced to believe, the result of culpable neglect, and ought to be remedied. Captain Stewart reports that a party of 200 men was employed on Battery Numbers 8 revetting the interior slope with gabions, and that two-thirds of the battery is reverted; the weather interfered with the work; 100 men were also making gabions and fascines; neither party worked after 3 p.m. Work at abatis, &c., was probably continued near Garrow's Chimneys by General Smith's command. No reports have been received from Captain Duane or Lieutenant McAlester this morning.

Monday, April 28.-The upper pontoon bridge over west branch of Wormley's Creek has been repaid with increased balks and with a second layer of covering with chess. The troops of General Woodbury's command are variously employed on batteries, bridges, with pontoon property, instructing men in gabion and fascine making, and 320 men on detached service. No report of gabions and fascines made was received this morning, as the regiments at that work are supposed to have reported to the assistant adjutant-general at headquarters. General Woodbury has been directed to require the reports to pass through his office, as the regiments were ordered to report to him, and this department must be informed of the material on hand, &c. Three hundred and twenty-four gabions and 180 fascines, reported as made several days ago, are being collected at the depot this morning. I have asked Captain Stewart about the work done in the woods, &c., from Battery Numbers 7 to Redoubt A; also between Nos. 7 and 8. I have suggested rifle pits, with entanglements, on open field between Nos.7 and 8. I have directed Captain Stewart to protect this flank by every means possible, and consult with General Sumner upon the defenses. General Woodbury has been directed to furnish such assistance to General Barry with the 13-inch mortars as in his power. To-day only 1,000 men reported, in place of 1,500 to Lieutenant McAlester. He reports everything under way; Redoubt C, extension of parallel on the 10-inch sea-coast mortar batteries.


Battery Numbers 9 on left of old dam, about 1,900 yards from fortress, for ten 10-inch siege mortars.

Battery Numbers 10 in middle of parallel between right branch and York River, 1,500 feet from big gun, built for seven siege guns and three 100-pounder Parrotts. The six 4 1/2-inch guns from Numbers 6 will be placed in it; also one from Numbers 2. This last will be replaced by a 30-pounder Parrott.

Battery Numbers 11 in head of ravine E, 2,600 yards from fortress, 4,000 from Gloucester Point, for four 10-inch sea-coast mortars.

Battery Numbers 12 behind secession huts, 1,700 yards from fortress, 2,000 from exterior work, for ten 10-inch siege mortars.

Battery Numbers 13 on right of boyau to be made to-night and near bluff, 1,250 yards from fortress and 2,400 yards from exterior work and 2,500 yards from Gloucester, for three 100-pounder and three 30-pounder Parrotts, leaving four 30-pounder Parrotts to be otherwise employed.

Battery No. 6 to be converted into a mortar battery for six 10-inch sea-coast mortars. An epaulement to be built to protect against Wynn's Mill and a couple of platforms behind it to direct mortars that way.

Battery Numbers 1 to be extended to receive another 200-pounder Parrott.