Today in History:

329 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


in the works opposite Batteries Numbers 7 and 8, preparing embrasures of sand bags, &c., some eight or nine apparently in different stages of construction, and they have perhaps covered their line between Garrow's and Wynn's Mill with defenses. General Franklin required 100 pontoons, with oars and anchors, for landing troops, and balks and cheeses enough for 20. Orders have been sent from the Adjutant-General's Office directing Colonel Ingalls to tow down such pontoons as could be spared. Captain Stewart has been charged with the construction of Batteries Numbers 7 and 8.

Friday, April 25.-About 350 men of the Engineer Brigade are employed in getting out timber for bridges on west branch of Wormley's Creek; 140 men on bridge south of Wormley's, and 112 men are employed on Battery Numbers 4; 180 men making gabions, and 24 collecting and guarding pontoon property; Colonel Murphy, with 300 men, on detached service; 132 gabions made yesterday and 235 issued; 995 remaining on hand; 223 fascines on hand. The floating bridge on west branch of Wormley's Creek was taken up yesterday and transferred to the crib bridge a few hundred yards below. This crib bridge is progressing rapidly. Some pontoons were taken from the lower pontoon bridge to allow barges to go through. Lieutenant McAlester reports that 1,240 men and 39 officers were engaged on military road for twenty-four hours ending 6 a.m., and that the road is now ready for use. The widening of the mill-dam to a double track is not quite finished. It will be done to-day. Ample width for a single track is all done and ready for use. A small detail (500 to 600 men) has been applied for to work upon the dam and three additional branch roads leading from main to road up to plateau. Captain Stewart reports having examined the positions of divisions and batteries of the left of the line under orders from General Sumner. There are three batteries at the Burnt Chimneys, one of six guns in embrasure just to the left and front of chimneys, connected by a covered way, with one for four guns on the right and front. In the latter are four 10-pounder Parrott guns. Neither were quite finished. A covered way leads from this second battery to the hollow and woods on its right. Another battery for four guns-two 10-pounder Parrotts and two light 12-pounders-is also constructed. Four batteries have been constructed by General Peck nearly in the position shown in the small tracing, which is on the scale of the map photographed by Major Humphreys. The left-Battery Couch, four guns barbette, close to the creek, on a spur to sweep the channel as you approach and pass the battery. Battery Harris, for four guns; in it are two 10-pounder Parrotts, but not on the platforms; connected with Battery Couch by a narrow covered way. Battery Keyes still masked by woods, as is Battery Couch; no guns mounted. Next Battery Peck, for seven guns, at point; it has two 10-pounders. Battery West is under construction for seven or eight guns. The batteries seemed well placed for the object in view. Yesterday Lieutenant Farquhar, with 300 men, was engaged on Numbers 8; 100 men were making gabions for Captain Stewart's battery. Numbers 7 occupied by a battery during the day. Batteries Nos. 1,2,3,5, and 6 completed. A portion of first parallel was commenced yesterday, connecting Batteries Nos. 2 and 5, the portion in the woods being commenced about 1 p.m. and the open part after dark. The portions in the woods are well advanced. On the open portions the number of men called for by Captain Duane were not furnished. The men succeeded in getting cover and the parallels are progressing to-day.

Saturday, April 26.-Redoubt Numbers 1, parapet carried to the height of