Today in History:

349 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I


hold it, being repulsed by a largely-superior force of the enemy. After the engagement became general the colonel commanding the brigade was ordered to assist the Nineteenth Brigade, Colonel Hazen. He ordered the First Kentucky Regiment to change direction to the right and advance to the support of Colonel Hazen's left. This regiment sustained a galling fire of grape and canister while carrying out these orders. The Twentieth Kentucky was ordered up to support the First Kentucky in this movement, which it did under a very severe fire. Both these regiments deserve the highest commendations for the manner in which they executed their orders.

Between 9 and 10 o'clock a. m. the Second Kentucky Regiment was ordered to charge a battery on our right, which was playing on our left flank. The fight of the regiment in executing this order became almost hand to hand and was of the most terrific character. Captain Spellmeyer was instantly killed. Captains Bodine and Smith, Adjutant Weinedel, Lieutenants Miller and Alms, were carried to the rear, all seriously wounded. Lieutenant Miller died on the field. Within a very small compass where this regiment charged could be counted over 200 of the enemy lying dead upon the field. This regiment succeeded in taking one of the enemy's guns, but was only able to hold it for a few minutes, being overpowered by largely greater numbers. During the entire day the Twenty-second Brigade rendered the most efficient service in repelling the desperate assaults of the enemy on the left flank of our army.

In the afternoon the First, Second, and Twentieth Kentucky Regiments steadily maintained the positions assigned them, and did their part toward securing the imperishable glory reflected upon the general commanding his division. The Second Kentucky at one time during the afternoon charged a battery, took it, spiked one of the guns, and turned another upon the enemy, but were unable to hold it, being fiercely charged in return by their regiments. The Twentieth Kentucky, acting in reserve, placed in position for the purpose of supporting the First Kentucky, was in full range of the enemy's fire, and at all times maintained their formation with the steadiness and tenacity becoming veterans. Where every officer and soldier displayed such distinguished courage it seems almost invidious to particularize. The colonel commanding the brigade desires to make particular mention of the following gentlemen:

Lieutenant-Colonel Leiper, Major Cahill (who was wounded), and Adjutant Wright deserve great praise for the manner in which they discharged their duties. Colonel Sedgewick, Lieutenant-Colonel Spencer, and Major Hurd displayed the greatest courage and daring. Colonel Sedgewick was stricken down by a spent round shot while discharging the duties of his position. Late in the afternoon, when the enemy made their last desperate attempt upon our left flank, the First and Twentieth Kentucky Regiments moved up to the support of Terrill's battery, repulsed the attack of the enemy, and held the position, when the enemy retired from the contest. Lieutenant-Colonel Hansom, commanding the Twentieth, deserves very high commendation for the manner in which he managed his regiment at this crisis. Lieutenant Bachus, of the same regiment, while fighting bravely in the lead of his company, received a very severe wound. Lieutenant Cooper, aide-de-camp to the colonel commanding, deserves high praise for the brilliant manner in which he rallied the Forty-first Ohio Regiment (Colonel Hazen's brigade) when badly disordered. Through the entire duration of this terrible battle the Twenty-second Brigade deported themselves