Today in History:

344 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I

Page 344 KY.,TENN.,N. MISS.,N. ALA.,AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII.

George T. Shackelford, was on the right, while my regiment behaved gallantly, sustaining the credit of the Nineteenth Brigade, General Nelson's division, and the State of Kentucky.

I cannot refrain from calling your attention especially to the gallant conduct of my adjutant (Lieutenant Shackelford), Lieutenants McGraw and Rockingham and Company A; they fought like tigers. My flag-bearer, Richard T. Thornton, was shot down, true to his duty, dying with the flag of his country on his breast. It was then taken by Corporal Keiff, of Company A, by whom it was gallantly borne until he was shot down; it was then borne by Sergeant Schmidt, of Company C. Private Irving, of Company A, killed 5 of the enemy, and was seriously wounded, and has since died. Lieutenant Chilton was taken prisoner by 6 of the enemy; two or three of his friends rallied to his aid; the enemy were all killed and he rescued, the lieutenant killing one of his captors with his pistol. I can personally bear testimony to the efficient service of yours (the Nineteenth Brigade) and General Nelson's division throughout the terrific fight, continued without intermission from half past 5 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon, when the right flank of the enemy, who fought more than gallantly, was turned by Nelson's division, and the day decided in favor of the Stars and Stripes.

We have to regret the loss of 14 killed, 86 wounded, and 11 missing.*

Total of killed, wounded, and missing, 111; of which a complete list accompanies this as a part of my report.


Colonel Sixth Kentucky Volunteers.

HEADQUARTERS SIXTH KENTUCKY REGIMENT, Camp near Iuka, Tishomingo, Miss., June 16, 1862.

In obedience to an order issued by the general commanding, requiring a report of the operations of the several corps from the time of leaving Pittsburg to the evacuation of Corinth and the termination of the pursuit of the enemy, together with the loss in killed and wounded, I beg leave to submit the following:

The Sixth Kentucky Regiment left Pittsburg on the night of the 6th of April and bivouacked immediately in presence of the enemy, who were in force before us, the forces of General Grant having been driven by the rebels on the 6th to the Tennessee River. At 5 o'clock on the morning of the 7th line of battle was formed, the Sixth Kentucky on the right, the Ninth Indiana on the left, and the Forty-first in reserve. The fight began at 5.30 o'clock 7th April between the skirmishers of the Sixth Kentucky and Ninth Indiana and the enemy's pickets. Captain Hund, of Company E, ably commanded the skirmishers of the Sixth. The enemy's pickets were driven back. Between 6 and 7 o'clock the Ninth Indiana engaged the enemy most gallantly. The Sixth Kentucky was ordered to reconnoiter the woods on the right of the brigade and find the enemy's position. This was promptly done and reported. They were found in large force, with a battery in front, and were on the right of our brigade. After reporting, for more than an hour the Sixth sustained in line of battle a heavy fire from the enemy's batteries, with a loss of 2 killed and several wounded before firing a gun. About 10 o'clock Captain Mendenhall's battery, defended by three companies of the Sixth Kentucky--A, D, and I--under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Cotton, was severely pressed by the enemy.


*But see revised statement, p. 106.


Page 344 KY.,TENN.,N. MISS.,N. ALA.,AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII.