Today in History:

609 Series I Volume III- Serial 3 - Wilson's Creek


dictate. General Watkins will move up, sustained by General Pillow, and if proper energy is exercised, we can drive the enemy north of the Missouri and into Saint Louis in 30 days. You will please let me hear from you, verbally or not, through the person through whom this passes; and please send the Daily Journal for a short time to Doniphan, as it will be sent to me by my couriers.

Yours, respectfully,


Commanding Ripley County Battalion.

LITTLE ROCK, ARK., July 17, 1861.

General S. COOPER, Adjutant-General:

GENERAL: I have the honor herewith to inclose the articles of agreement entered into by the military board of Arkansas and myself, by which the troops, arms, and munitions now in the service of the State of Arkansas are to be transferred to the Confederate States. I desire to call attention to the provision by which the State of Arkansas agrees to furnish the troops of the State of Arkansas in the service of the Confederate States with clothing equal in amount to that required by the regulations of the Confederate States (the same as that in the U. S. service), and for which the State of Arkansas is to receive from the Confederate States the commutation allowance allowed to soldiers for clothing in the Confederate service.*

I shall leave for Pocahontas to-day.





Articles of transfer of Arkansas Volunteers to the Confederate States.

JULY 15, 1861.

The military board of the State of Arkansas, upon the part of and in behalf of the State of Arkansas, and Brigadier General W. J. Hardee upon the part of the Government of the Confederate States of America, agree to the following stipulations and terms in regard to the use of control of the forces, arms, munitions, and supplies now in the service of the State of Arkansas:

1. The military board of the State of Arkansas, upon the part of and in behalf of the State of Arkansas, hereby transfers to the Government of the Confederate States of America (their consent having previously been obtained) all the troops now in the service of the State of Arkansas, consisting of the following regiments, battalions, companies, and detachments. The First Regiment of Infantry, commanded by Colonel Cleburne; the Second Regiment of Infantry, commanded by Colonel Gratiot; the Third and Fourth Regiments of Infantry, attached to General Pearce; the Fifth Regiment of Infantry, commanded by Colonel David C. Cross; the Sixth Regiment of Infantry, commanded by Colonel Lyon; the Seventh Regiment of Infantry, commanded by Colonel Shaver; the First Regiment of Cavalry, commanded by Colonel Carroll; the First Battalion of Cavalry, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Borland; the Pulaski Artillery, commanded by Captain Woodruff; the Clarke County


*See Walker to Rector and Hardee to Rector, August 8, pp. 635, 636.
