Today in History:

603 Series I Volume III- Serial 3 - Wilson's Creek



Richmond, July 4, 1861.

Brigadier General BEN. McCULLOCH, Fort Smith, Ark.:

GENERAL: Your communication of the 22nd June has been received. Your policy in regard to Ross, the principal chief of Cherokees, has my approbation. It is well to pursue a conciliatory course with this chief so long as it not only involves no detriment to the cause, but embraces a prospect of immediate advantage.

Keeping steadily in view of great object of your command, you will avail yourself of any fitting opportunity of co-operation with Missouri; that is, when it is quite clear that co-operation will be likely to avail, as suggested in previous communications.

The position of Missouri as a Southern State still in the Union requires, as you will readily perceive, much prudence and circumspection, and it should only be when necessity and propriety unite that active and direct assistance should be afforded by crossing the boundary and entering the State before communicating with this Department.

In the progress of events it might be possible that the most effective co-operation would be for you to penetrate Kansas, whether through the Indian nation or Missouri to be determined by the special facts that may arise or the circumstances which may exist, of which, from the remoteness of the position, it would be impossible for this Department to receive information in time to give you specific and definite instructions.

Very respectfully,


Secretary of War.

RICHMOND, VA., July 6, 1861.


President of Confederate States of American:

SIR: If not inconsistent with your views of constitutional powers, and if you have the troops at your command, I respectfully recommend that at least 10,000 well-appointed troops be concentrated on the northern border of Arkansas at the earliest practicable moment, within the military district of Brigadier-General Hardee, and a like number, if possible, within the department of Major-General Polk, and that both of these officers be distinctly authorized to enter the State of Missouri, to drive back and to pursue the enemy now threatening the invasion of Arkansas and a descent on Tennessee, as far into Missouri as they deem prudent and advisable. I would also respectfully ask that more specific instructions be given to General McCulloch, authorizing him to enter the State of Missouri with the same object and for the same purpose. None but the enemies of the Confederate States and of Missouri will protest against this-none others will object; but all whose wishes you would respect invite and will cordially welcome your troops in the State. I make this request because I have reason to know that the instructions to these officers are of so guarded a character as to produce doubt as to their authority and embarrassment as to their movements.

I also respectfully recommend that, if practicable, the troops destined to operate in North Arkansas and Missouri be armed with muskets with bayonets, and that an extra amount of field artillery be sent with them. Any army you may send will be immediately re-enforced to any extent you may desire by Missourians, armed with the ordinary guns and rifles of the country, and volunteers from that State will be on the spot to