Today in History:

601 Series I Volume III- Serial 3 - Wilson's Creek


and which I do not apprehend, I shall be none the less devoted to that cause; for I shall never reside, and I would rather bury my children than have them live in, any State which, willingly or unwillingly, remains under the rule of the men of the Northern portion of the late United States.

The suggestion of Governor Reynolds is certainly a good one, that there would be great advantage in the presence of Missourians with such forces of the Confederate States as may be required to advance into Missouri; and it is probable that in this connection I may be of more benefit to our cause than in any other. If so, and I now incline to that opinion, I would prefer the appointment suggested; but I shall be most happy to render service in any position which may be assigned me; only let me go where it is deemed I can be most useful.

I am sincerely obliged to you, my dear sir, for your kind indorsement on the letter of Governor Reynolds, which I return.

With great respect, I am, your, most cordially,


POCAHONTAS, ARK., July 2, 1861.


President of the Confederate States, Richmond, Va.:

SIR: I notified you several days ago that a rendezvous had been appointed for the exiled Missourians at this place, and as I am here to organize them, I will notify you of the rumors which the men bring from the different portions of the State, as some of them may occasionally be of importance, and not reach you through the ordinary channels of communication.

Governor Jackson has undoubtedly gone into the southwest corner of the State, probably directly to McCulloch's camp. A portion of his cabinet are with him. I also hear from tolerably reliably authority that Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds is with him, although I know that he started to Richmond, Va., from Nashville, only about ten days ago. As General Price has been sick, and if now in the field at all his headquarters are unknown to any one in this portion of the country, therefore there is no system or plan of campaign for the people to go by, and the organizations which are now going on may either be broken up or rendered entirely inefficient for want of a leader. The funds of the State of Missouri are locked up in the banks, and every town in the State in which there is a bank is now in the possession of Federal troops. Every railroad, telegraph, and mail is also in their hands, and the only way the fifty to one hundred thousand gallant young soldiers can be made available and the rich prize of this great State secured is by a powerful demonstration from this portion of the country, which will attract the attention of friends and foes alike, giving confidence to one and striking terror to the other.

Missouri has no great leader in whom the people have confidence. Price and Doniphan are neither equal to the occasion, and besides these two there are none with a sufficient reputation to inspire that confidence which is necessary to bring out the people, surrounded as they are by so many enemies. There are men in Missouri who are competent, or rather capable, but they are unknown to the people; therefore please send us a leader and a few arms, and Missouri's sons can rid her soil of the pollution which now infests her, and rush into line with her Southern sisters in double-quick time.