Today in History:

576 Series I Volume III- Serial 3 - Wilson's Creek

Page 576 OPERATIONS IN MO., ARK., KANS., AND IND. T. Chapter X.

been ordered to report to you at Little Rock for such duties as you may assign to him, and such other officers of the C. S. Army as can be spared from their present duties will be ordered to report to you for similar service. The sum of $25,000 will be placed in your hands for disbursement in the service of your command, and for which you will account to the proper accounting officers of the Treasury Department.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Adjutant and Inspector General.

LITTLE ROCK, ARK., May 13, 1861.


I have the honor to inform you that the convention of Arkansas has created me brigadier-general of Arkansas, to command the Western frontier. I most respectfully request that you inform me of your views, in order that I may carry them out as far as possible in placing that part of the State in the best practicable state of defense. My headquarters for the present will be in Benton County, at Osage Mills post-office, but will be whenever I think my presence most necessary.

We have no tactics in this State. Can you send us 500 copies of "Hardee's Tactics"? The Convention will probably order some printed, but we need them at once.

Any suggestions that you may be pleased to give me in relation to our frontier will be very acceptable. Captain A. Pike and myself are anxious that some steps be taken at once to secure the co-operation of the Indians in the West, and especially to prevent any emissaries of the Republicans from poisoning the minds of the full-bloods. Many of the Cherokees are already abolitionists, but the half-breeds and enlightened part of the nation are true to the South in their sympathies.

I have the honor to remain, your most obedient servant,


Brigadier-General, Arkansas.


Montgomery, May 14, 1861.

Honorable DAVID HUBBARD, Superintended of Indian Affairs:

SIR: As superintended of Indian affairs on behalf of this Government, originally appointed because of your well known sympathy for the Indian tribes the deep concern you have ever manifested in their welfare, you are now specially charged to proceed to the Creek Nation, and make known to them, as well as to the rest of the tribes west of Arkansas and south of Kansas, of all of whom you are constituted the superintendent, and whose interests and fallings you will respect as if they were your children, the earnest desire of the Confederate States to defend and protect them against the rapacious and avaricious designs of their and our enemies at the North yet holding the Government at Washington. You will, in an especial manner, impress upon the Creek Nation and surrounding Indian tribes the imperious fact they will doubtless recognize, that the real design of the North, and the Government at Washington in regard to them has been and still is the same entertained and sought to be enforced against ourselves, and if suffered

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