Today in History:

473 Series I Volume III- Serial 3 - Wilson's Creek


Shelbina to Macon City (Hudson) by a band of rebels, under Green, numbering about 3,000, where he is now cut off from all lines of communication east of his position.

I order to arrest the constant depredations of the rebels in Marion, Monroe, Shelby, Macon, and adjoining counties, and to visit on them the whole rigor of martial law, I have resolved upon a combined attack on Green's men and their total annihilation.

To effect this object you will be re-enforced by the First Kansas

Regiment and the Twenty-third Indiana Regiment.

Brigadier-General Sturgis will advance on Macon City (Hudson) with the Twenty-seventh Ohio Regiment; Colonel Goesbeck's Thirty-ninth Ohio Regiment; one squadron Fremont Hussars, under Captain von Blume; and Captain Schwartz's full battery, under command of the first lieutenant.

You will leave a comparative reserve at Palmyra, and then advance west towards Salt River, and you will, under any circumstances, endeavor to put yourself in communication with the command of Brigadier-General Sturgis, who will operate towards the east against Shelbina.

It will be your object not only to disperse the enemy, but to follow him into his hiding-places and annihilate him.

After having put yourself in communication with Brigadier-General Sturgis by means of a reliable messenger, and after General Sturgis has advanced east towards Shelbina, you will force the passage of Salt River (should the bridge be destroyed, you will find a suitable bridge towards the north or south), and thus make a combined attack on the rebels.

After the junction of the forces has been accomplish, Brigadier-General Sturgis will be under your command.

As communication between you and General Sturgis will be subject to the constant hazard of interruption, you will report by telegraph as often as necessary to these headquarters, whence dispatches may be sent to him.

I inclose a copy of the order addressed to Brigadier-General Sturgis.


Major-General, Commanding.


SAINT LOUIS, September 6, 1861.

Brigadier-General STURGIS, Commanding at Arsenal:

SIR: In order to put a stop to the robberies and violence committed by the rebel hordes under Green, who are now assembled at Shelbina to the number of about 3,000, and who have cut off Colonel Williams from his eastern communication lines, I have resolved upon a combined attack on the rebels and their annihilation.

General Pope will endeavor, with his disposable force, re-enforced by the First Kansas and the Twenty-third Indiana Regiment, to force a passage across Salt River, or to gain a crossing by some other means. Further details concerning the general plan and the junction of the forces General Pope will endeavor to transmit to you by a reliabel messenger.

To carry out this combined attack you will assume command of the following forces:

The Twenty-seventh Ohio Regiment, Colonel Fuller.

The Thirty-ninth Ohio Regiment, Colonel Groesbeck.

One squadron of Fremont Hussars, Captain Blume.