Today in History:

194 Series I Volume II- Serial 2 - First Manassas

Page 194 OPERATIONS IN MD., PA., VA., AND W. VA. Chapter IX.

Numbers 24.- Captain Pierce B. Anderson, Lee Battery, C. S. Army, of the engagement at Rich Mountain.

Numbers 25.- Lieutenant Charles W. Statham, Lee Batter, same as above.

Numbers 26.- Lieutenant John R. Massey, Lee battery, same as above.

Numbers 27.- Lieutenant Charles I. Riane, Lee Batter, same as above.

Numbers 28.- Colonel William C. Scott, Forty-fourth Virginia Infantry, of operations on the engagement at Rich Mountain.

Numbers 29.- Colonel W. B. Taliaferro, Twenty-third Virginia Infantry, of the action at Carrick's Ford.

Numbers 30.- Major General George B. McClellan, U. S. Army, of the skirmish at Barboursville.

Numbers 31.- Major-General McClellan, of the action at Scarey Creek.

Numbers 32.- Brigadier General Henry A. Wise, C. S. Army, of skirmish July 16 and action at Scarey Creek.

Numbers 33.- Strength of General Wise's command (C. S. Army) July 8, 1861.

Numbers 34.- Strength of General Garnett's command (C. S. Army) July 8, 1861.

Numbers 1. Reports of Major General George B. McClellan, U. S. Army, of preliminary operations, with orders and proclamations, from June 22 to July 5.

Parkersburg, Va., June 22, 1861.

COLONEL: I reached here yesterday morning, hoping to move forward during the day, but was delayed by want of wagons and the disorganization to be expected on the part of new troops moving for the first time into the field. In a few minutes (near 7 a. m.) I shall move with the advance to Clarksburg, taking one regiment of infantry, two detached companies (one of regulars), one battery, and a company of cavalry. Two Indiana regiments will follow during the morning, two Ohio regiments to-morrow. No other Ohio regiments will reach Grafton, via Ballaire, to-day. Reports from the front are somewhat contradictory, but agree in representing the enemy in strong force near Piedmont and Beverly. Notwithstanding that General Morris and others seem sure that we have a large force to contend with, I now am inclined to doubt it. I will, without delay, beat them up in their quarters and endeavor to put an end to their attempt in this direction. I have, I think, force enough to fight them wherever I find them.

General McCall telegraphs that Cumberland will be re-enforced on Monday. If that is accomplished, we should be able to cut off the force near Piedmont. As I cannot learn yet the quality of their troops (there are reports that there are some regiments of the regular Confederate troops) I shall be cautious in my movements. I fell very much the absolute necessity of more commissary and quartermaster officers, also of cavalry. I hope the Lieutenant-General will find it in his power to let me have the companies of First Cavalry, now at Leavenworth.

I received on the 18th instant the order adding Missouri to me department. My arrangements for coming here to take command are so far advanced that it was not possible for me to go to Missouri. I shall go there immediately on my return from this State.

I move hence on Clarksburg, and will act there according to the information I receive-either move in force on the rear of the enemy at Beverly or go on to Piedmont.

Excuse, colonel, the hurried nature of this.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major-General, U. S. Army.

Colonel E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant-General.

Page 194 OPERATIONS IN MD., PA., VA., AND W. VA. Chapter IX.