Today in History:

547 Series I Volume I- Serial 1 - Charleston

Page 547 Chapter VII. REPORTS.

In answer, I replied:

SAN ANTONIO, TEX., March 16, 1861.

Colonel C. A. WAITE, U. S. Army, Commanding Department of Texas:

COLONEL: On my return home after an absence of several days I received yours (Major Nichols') of the 9th instant. I am pleased to have an opportunity of making the statement desired in relation to the seizure of the funds in question by the authorities of the State of Texas. I shall not be able to do this, however, before Monday next.

I have the honor to be, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Paymaster, U. S. Army.

Immediately after receiving Major Nichols' note, written under your direction, I addressed Captain Edgar, who commanded the detachment that seized the funds, and which is as follows, viz:

SAN ANTONIO, TEX., March 16, 1861.

Captain EDGAR, Commanding City Guards, Texas Service:

SIR: I believe you commanded the company of soldiers that took from my possession by force of arms the public money brought to this place by Lieutenant Thomas M. Jones, U. S. Army. If so, you will confer a favor upon me by giving me copy of your report (if you made any) to your commander. I hope it will not be too much to ask that you and such other officers as you may have had under your command attach your affidavits to the report as to the facts stated. This will be important, as I desire to use your report as evidence in the settlement of my accounts. You compliance with the above request will greatly oblige me.

I have the honor to be, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Paymaster, U. S. Army.

To this I received the following reply:

SAN ANTONIO, TEX., March 18, 1861.

S. MACLIN, Esq., Late Paymaster, U. S. Army:

SIR: Your communication of the 16th instant is at hand, requesting a copy of my report to Colonel Ben. McCulloch of the proceedings of a detail made from my company to watch the entrance of Lieutenant T. M. Jones, U. S. Army, into this city with public funds. In answer thereto you will please find inclosed a copy of said report, verified by affidavit, embracing my instructions and proceedings in this matter, with all the particulars relative to the seizure of the money.

I have the honor to be, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Captain A. C. Guards, Texas Service.

The report above alluded to is as follows, viz:

SAN ANTONIO, TEX., March 3, 1861.


Commanding Middle Division Texas, San Antonio, Tex.:

SIR: I have the honor respectfully to report that last night, about 10 o'clock, I was directed by Dr. P. N. Luckett, commissioner on behalf of the State of Texas, to make a detail from my company to watch the various entrances into the city. I immediately detailed Lieutenants Gord, Grace, and Ransom, and Sergeant Sheriden, and with myself we proceeded to watch the various roads leading into the city, with instructions to intercept Lieutenant T. M. Jones, U. S. Amy, who was approaching the city with a large amount of public funds, and to report the same to Dr. Luckett as soon as the fact could be ascertained. A strict and close watch was kept upon during the entire night over all the entrances, but nothing of interest transpired until about 8 1/2 o'clock on the morning of the 3rd, when two ambulances were discovered approaching the city, and were seen to enter the yard of Major Maclin's (U. S. Army) residence, which were soon ascertained to contain the money alluded to. the same was immediately reported, when I was ordered to made a detail of twenty-five men from my company (armed), and to proceed to the residence of Major Maclin, when Dr. Luckett stepped forward and demanded the funds in the name of the State of Texas, and were said to be over $30,000. Having performed the duty assigned me, my men were dismissed, and returned to their quarters.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,


Captain A. C. Guards, Texas Troops.

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