Today in History:

249 Series I Volume I- Serial 1 - Charleston


sent to their destination, but the public ones were sent to the Confederate Government at Montgomery, in return for the treachery of Mr. Fox, who has been reported to have violated his word given to Governor Pickens before visiting Fort Sumter.

I remain, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General, Commanding.

Numbers 99.] FORT SUMTER, S. C., April 10, 1861.

(Received A. G. O., April 26.)

Colonel L. THOMAS, Adjutant-General U. S. Army:

COLONEL: I have the honor to report that the man who has charge of our mails on his return trip yesterday brought no mail, but a communication from General Beauregard, herewith inclosed. I immediately sent him back with a note to the commanding officer of Fort Johnson, requesting him to return our mail bag, which was done.

The South Carolinians continued all day yesterday the vigorous prosecution of the works mentioned in 97 and 98, and this morning shows that the parapets and traverses have been both heightened and strengthened.

Last night the guard-boats, of which we saw eight on duty, were very vigilant guarding all the channels, and we see signal vessels very far out beyond the bar. The garrisons of Castle Pinckney and Fort Johnson, and of the batteries on Morris Island, have been strengthened yesterday and this morning.

A detachment of about sixty horsemen was landed this morning at Cummings Point.

This morning we see another gun, the fourth, in the new battery on Sullivan's Island. This battery will bear directly upon any boat attempting to land stores at the left flank, and will, independently of the shower of shells which will be thrown over our fort, soon drive us from our barbette guns on both flanks. All we can do after that will be to use the guns of the lower tier. We have bread enough by using (as we have been doing for two days) but half rations to last until dinner time on Friday.

My command is in fine spirits, but I see that the long confinement, with the constant excitement, is telling on them. None of us could endure fatiguing labor for any length of time. I shall direct all the command to sleep to-night in the bomb-proof.

We are busy constructing a traverse to guard the gate from the fire of the batteries on Cummings Point, preparing sinks inside, making arrangements for a hospital for the wounded, &c., placing the ammunition in secure positions under the second tier of casemates convenient for use, &c.

We shall make every preparation for the attempted landing, and I have already had the embrasure-the only one that can be used-cut large enough to receive a barrel.

I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major, First Artillery, Commanding.