Today in History:

June 26, 1863

12 1/2 oclock Cannon-waggons & men have been passing since between 9 & 10 this morning--42 Cannon & as many amunition waggons have passed--so now there are 62 pieces of artillery between us & Harrisburg & between 30,000 & 40,000 men.[17] O it seems dreadful to be thus thrown into the hands of the rebbels & to be thus excluded from all the rest of the world--I feel so very anxious about Mr. Cormany--& who knows when we will hear from any of our friends again. It is no use to try to get away from here now--we must just take our chance with the rest--trusting in God as our Savior then come life come death if reconciled with God all is well--My God help me--I do wish to be a real true & living christian. Oh for more religion. Evening--called at Mrs Dickson a few minutes. Also at Mrs Clippingers. Numerous campfires could be seen on the fair ground.