Today in History:

Receding Tide: Vicksburg and Gettysburg, The Campaigns That Changed the Civil War

In Receding Tide: Vicksburg and Gettysburg, The Campaigns That Changed the Civil War (National Geographic Books; ISBN 978-1-4262-0510-1; May 18, 2010; $28.00), renowned and accomplished author Edwin C. Bearss, National Park Service Chief Historian Emeritus, Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, and writer of more than a dozen Civil War books, along with co-author and retired military officer J. Parker Hills, share their passion for Civil War history. In recounting the events that shaped the war’s outcome based on Bearss’ in depth research and numerous battlefield tours spanning twenty years, their detailed analysis extends beyond the commonly known facts about these prominent battles. Receding Tide begins with the challenges the Union encountered upon losing at Fredericksburg and Chickasaw Bayou and elaborates on select instances by tracing this monumental military journey with a tight focus, from late 1862 through July 1863, starting in Chancellorsville and continuing to the war’s end on Independence Day.

Bearss translates his Civil War expertise, extensive analysis, and field visit observations into an impressive text that comes alive, packed with interpretations of the personalities of key leadership figures and other individuals typically overlooked in Civil War discussions. His deliberate writing style allows him to navigate the battlefield terrain like a general to lead his audience through clearing smoke, combat, retreats and regroupings, easily sparking vibrant imagery of the war scene and aftermath. Additionally, his rich description and unique insight into the combination of respective military strategies and mentalities governing the Union and Confederate armies introduce readers to a complete explanation of these epic battles, including a thorough historical timeline. This book is victorious in chronicling a time that defined history during the early stages of America’s social and political evolution, adding perspective to everyday Civil War knowledge. The magnitude of Bearss’ Civil War repertoire is so extensive that he also contributed heavily to storied filmmaker Ken Burns’ documentary, The Civil War. 

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