CSS Yazoo, a 371-ton side-wheel river steamer built
at Jeffersonville, Indiana, in 1860, was used by the Confederacy
as a transport on the Western Rivers. She was captured and sunk
at Island Number Ten on 7 April 1862.
This page features our only view of CSS Yazoo.
Photo #: NH 59024
"View of Steamers Sunk by the Rebels Between Island Number
Ten and New Madrid"
Line engraving, based on a sketch by Alexander Simplot, published
in "Harper's Weekly", 1862, depicting ships sunk by
the Confederates off their fortifications at Island Number 10,
circa 7 April 1862.
As identified on the engraving, the ships are (from left to right):
Champion, Yazoo, Grampus, John Simonds,
Red Rover, Prince, Admiral, Ohio Belle,
De Soto, Kanawha Valley, Winchester and
Mars. Most of these vessels, some of which were not sunk,
were later employed by the Union forces.