Today in History:

84 Series I Volume XXX-I Serial 50 - Chickamauga Part I

Page 84 KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA.Chapter XLII.

Name,rank,and command. Remarks.

Colonel J. F. Jaquess, Seventy- Major-General Sheridan

third Illinois, Third Division, mentions him as "especially

Twentieth Army Corps. distinguished for skill and

great personal courage," and

that "he is almost he only

regimental officer left with

his regiment,17 of them having

been killed or wounded."

Colonel N. L. Anderson, Sixth Major-General Palmer ways he

Ohio, Second Division, Twenty- received a painful wound on

first Army Corps. Saturday,but remained with his

regiment until night,and that

"his courage and prudence

deserve high praise."

Colonel Champion, Ninety-sixth

Illinois, Reserve Corps.

Colonel Moore, One hundred and Major-General Granger gives

fifteenth Illinois, Reserve
the names of these officers of

Corps. his command as most

conspicuous for efficiency and

Colonel Le Favour, Twenty- deserving special mention.

second Michigan, Reserve Corps.

Colonel Carlton, Eighty-ninth Major-General Palmer

Ohio, Reserve Corps. recommends his promotion for

capacity to command and good

Colonel T. D. Sedgewick, Second conduct.

Kentucky, Second Division,

Twenty-first Army Corps. Major-General Sheridan

mentions him as wounded and

Colonel W. W. Barrett, Forty- having especially

fourth Illinois, Third distinguished himself.


Twentieth Army Corps.

Colonel Allen Buckner, Seventy- Brigadier-General Johnson

ninth Illinois, Second mentions these officers as

Division, Twentieth Army distinguished for coolness and


Colonel Rose, Seventy-seventh

Pennsylvania, Second Division,

Twentieth Army Corps.

Brigadier-General Brannan

Colonel Strong, Ninety-third mentions him as having acted

Ohio, Second Division, Twentieth with coolness and judgment,and

Army Corps. fighting most gallantly.

Colonel Brigadier-General Van Cleve

J. M. Connell, Seventeenth says he displayed much

Ohio, First Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth ArmyCorps. Col. P. T. Swaine, Ninety-ninthOhio, Third Division, Twenty-first Army Corps!@#$% judgment and skill in his conduct on the field,andrecommends him to the noticeof the comma general.

Name,rank,and command. Remarks.

e commanding general. Colonel

Barnes,commanding brigade,says

he gave evidence of undoubted

courage and ability to


Colonel J. R. Miles, Twenty-

seventh Illinois, Third

Division, Are named by Major-General

Twentieth Army Corps.
Sheridan as having especially

Colonel Joseph distinguished themselves.

Conrad, Fifteenth

Missouri, Third Division,

Twentieth Army Corps.

Colonel Rippey, Ninetieth Ohio, Are named by Major-General

First Brigade, Second Division, Palmer for courage and

Twenty-first Army Corps.
coolness,and good conduct in

Colonel J. T. Smith, Thirty-first the field.

Indiana, First Brigade, Second

Division, Twenty-first Army


Colonel Aquila Wiley, Forty-

first Ohio, Second

Division, Twenty-first Army


Colonel L. H. Waters, Eighty-

fourth Illinois, Second Are named by Major-General

Division, Twenty-first Army Sheridan for skill and

Corps. bravery.

Colonel N. H. Walworth, Forty- Major-General Granger speaks

second Illinois, Third of him as conspicuous for his

Division, Twentieth Army bravery and activity,having

managed his troops well and

Colonel Silas Miller, Thirty- contributed much to our

sixth Illinois, Third Division, success.

Twentieth Army Corps.

Commended by Brigadier-General

Colonel J. G. Mitchell, Reserve Van Cleve to special notice

Corps.... for good conduct.

Are commended to notice by

Colonel George F. Dick, Third Brigadier-General Wood as

Division, Twenty-first Army having rendered distinguished

Corps. service.

Colonel H. C. Dunlap, Third Colonel Stanley,commanding

Kentucky, First Division, Twenty-firstArmy Corps.
Col. Alexander McIlvain, Sixty-fourth Ohio, First Division, Twenty-first Army Corps.$%Col. W. L. Stoughton, Eleventh Michigan, SecondDivision, Fourteenth ArmyCorps. brigade,commends him for coolness and fearlessness. Major-

Name,rank,and command. Remarks.

Major-General Negley also

notices him favorably.

Colonel M. V. Walker, Thirty-

first Ohio, Third Brigadier-General Brannan,

Division, Fourteenth Army being short of staff officers,

Corps. accepted Colonel Walker's

services, and says, "Well he

served me and his country,

rallying and collecting the

men, and encouraging them to

stand,by his energy and

personal courage."

Brigadier-General Wood

Colonel E. Opdycke, One hundred commends Colonel Opdycke

and twenty-fifth Ohio, First "especially to the favorable

Division, Twenty-first Army consideration" of the

Corps. commanding general as "an

officer capable and worthy of

commanding a brigade." Colonel

Harker,commanding brigade,

speaks highly of his ability

and bravery,and recommends him

for the command of a brigade.

Colonel J. F. Harrison,volunteer

aide-de-camp to General Lytle, Colonel Miller,commanding

First Brigade, Third Division, brigade,says, "In the rally

Twentieth Army Corps. for the formation of the

second line,he seized a stand

of colors, and under the

influence of his example the

men rapidly went forward,

again forming, under terrible

fire. Major-General Sheridan

says, "After General Lytle's

death Colonel Harrison

reported to him and behaved

very handsomely."

Page 84 KY.,SW.VA.,TENN.,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA.Chapter XLII.